BHO not natural born citizen.
With the DS/C_A there HAS to be a very important reason he was chosen.
I tend to think it was to trigger a too big to fail type dead mans switch, whereby if Patriots took certain measures, [They]/DS would expose the fraud to effect a National/Global [UN] intervention type crisis.
Perhaps to expose and then rallly the Planned Migrant Influx in a Rebellion [renegade].
A way to legally challenege or Invalidate the constitution which sets eligibility limits on Potus
If BHO is exposed as ineligible then a hard and without precedent choice:
1) address everything the executive branch did as invalid
2) every law he signed, every action invalid
3) every treaty, foreign affairs effort invalid
OR for the greater good?!?
Justify HRC (never thought she would lose) using the exposed crisis as a reason to suspend constitution to prevent the above measures. Due to the complexity and ramifications of reversing and nullifying everything the Gov did for 8 years, having the Gov and Many Politicans supporting efforts (constitution suspended/ignores) and to [stand down] and let HRC rally much of america to support any subsequent efforts to not invalidate BHO, but the document [constitution] which declares him invalid.
BHO vs. Constitution choose One. With HRC in power we know the Answer! AND if Patriots took counter actions, we have a civil war which falls right into their plan to destroy America. [from within].