Should be 10593?
>Yep, Monday or Tuesday next week will be a great time to consider purchasing stocks or not.
Shows how much speculative money is in the markets for these continuous declines, or tremendous short selling that will need to cover.
Dems are so rude and hostile.
Full of spite!
>This "putsch" is being coordinated to make DJT look bad AND get the Fed to cut.
Noted on commodities, as I don't really follow them. China getting swamped by locusts destroying their crops, they're really screwed. Hong Kong problems are not going away any time soon, either. (Forgot of margin calls).
Sure looks like a lot of 'wealth' was just overinflated paper assets. TPTB couldn't crash DJT's economy and had to go full globalist. Transitioning the supply chains out of China will help the US and other economies, but that will take a couple of quarters. California Pension system is bloated in their own Silicon Valley companies, and they're some of the worst hit in this selloff.
Meanwhile on the Hill, Dems stoking fears about CaronaVirus and put blame for taking out Qassem. They're traitors to the cause.