We're gonna need more silver stakes
Thomas Dupree, professor emeritus of nuclear science and engineering and physics, dies at 86
Nexhmije Hoxha, widow and unapologetic defender of Albanian dictator, dies at 99
2:45 PM ยท Feb 28, 2020
Roger Scruton, a Provocative Public Intellectual, Dies at 75
a lot
China's Confucius Institute at University of Arizona closing
2:22 PM ยท Feb 28, 2020
Explosives are a delicate, high-tension, high-risk product of combat. The best way to prepare for, and properly dispose of, explosives is through conscientious and realistic training just like @USMC
Marines do in Alaska as part of their preparation for Arctic Edge 2020.
2:00 PM ยท Feb 28, 2020
Booms incoming?
and his wife, Dawn, hosted the inaugural Key Spouse Conference at #AWS20.
2:55 PM ยท Feb 28, 2020
Follow the wives?
U.S. regulators have rejected the idea of removing four hydroelectric dams on a major Pacific Northwest river to save threatened salmon. They say the proposal backed by environmentalists would destabilize the power grid and increase greenhouse emissions.
4:02 PM ยท Feb 28, 2020
Watch the water
Force the Qure
Tokyo Disneyland is closing until mid-March after the Japanese government recommended restrictions on big gatherings and events over coronavirus concerns
4:05 PM ยท Feb 28, 2020