>Freddy's things not done
>Libel laws.
POTUS suing NYT.
Libel and slander.
>Freddy's things not done
>Libel laws.
POTUS suing NYT.
Libel and slander.
Tanks Bakes
Holy shit Fungus! Do you just randomly smack the keyboard while fapping when you create this word salad copy pasta?
>Which means they expect a huge public disclosure.
>Which means our impact, right now, is inversely proportional to the intended effect of their attacks.
What in the ever loving fuck does "a huge public disclosure" mean? How does this vague sauceless nonsense IMPLY the inverse proportionality of (the undefined and vague) "our impact" with respect to (this mindless gibbering) "the intended effect of their attacks"???"
Let's say "their intended effect" is to discredit us. Do you REALLY that the harder they try to discredit us, effort spent = $EFRT then our impact = 1/$EFRT? So the harder they try, the smaller our impact?
No wait, it's their INTENDED effect. So they could just post a lame meme, but they INTEND that attack to discredit us, so I guess if they REALLY REALLY REALLY, and by this i mean YUGELY BELIEVE that meme will discredit us, then our impact is decreased. I have to assume that our impact is a resultant of the inverse of what they do
f(x)=1/x because that's the formula you describe, meaning THEY control the impact.
That's going full potato after going full retard.
It's fucking stupid.
But I bet you thought it was clever.
What the fuck that has to do with their expectations of "Huge public disclosure" is unknown, and how that necessarily leads to your inverse proportionality function is utterly inexplicable.
Do you actually spend time sperging this stuff out? The fact you waste time and bread posting it says a lot though.
What an absolute maple nigger flavored moose fucker you are.