DC Circuit upholds the Constitution!!! Overturns unbased decision of lower court.
"The Department of Justice(DOJ), on behalf of McGahn,responds that Article III of the Constitution forbids federal courts from resolving this kind of interbranch information dispute.We agree and dismiss this case."
"The Constitution does not vest federal courts with some “amorphous general supervision of the operations of government.” Raines, 521U.S. at 829 (internal quotation marks omitted); Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579,594 (1952) (Frankfurter,J., concurring) (“The Framers, however, did not make the judiciary the overseer of our government.”). Instead, as Chief Justice Marshall explained, federal courts sit “to decide on the rights of individuals.” Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1Cranch)137,170 (1803)(emphasis added). To that end, we lack authority to resolve disputes between the Legislative and Executive Branches until their actions harm an entity “beyond the [Federal] Government.” Raines, 521 U.S. at 834 (Souter,J.,concurring in the judgment). Without such a harm, any dispute remains an intramural disagreement about the “operations of government” that we lack power to resolve."