Aons you know the only thought I get for Biden staying in the race right now, is to prove to China that he’s a good propagandist and keep on repeating China is no threat to us
His continuous refrain that China is harmless, is that he has a big debt with China and they are making him stay in the keep in spouting this BS. That can be the only reason, because China knows some people will listen and believe Biden, I’m not sure if the amount of people he can convince is big enough to pay his debt to China
Joe Biden: ‘Bizarre’ to Say China is America’s Competition
Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday once again downplayed the notion China poses a threat to the United States, telling South Carolina supporters it’s “bizarre” to say the communist regime posses any competition.
Biden make the remark in a speech as he listed off a series of domestic challenges that face the Communist state, including the country’s struggles with providing drinking water to some of its nearly 1.4 billion people.
“China doesn’t have enough water,” Biden began. “They’re talking about spending hundreds of billions of dollars to try to turn around a river so their population has portable water to drink.”
Biden explained that 40 percent of China’s arable land suffers from degradation, hindering its ability to feed the country.
“They’re in a situation where they have two million Uyghurs, Muslims, in prison camps in the mountains,” the presidential candidate went on. “You see what’s happening in Hong Kong.”
“The idea that they are our competition, that they’re going to beat us, is bizarre,” he then judged.
Biden’s remarks echoed similar ones he made in January while on the campaign trail in Iowa.
“We talk about China as our competitor, we should be helping and benefiting ourselves by doing that,” he told supporters in Ames at the time. “But the idea that China is going to eat our lunch — It’s like I remember the debates in the late nineties — remember Japan was going to own us? Give me a break.”
In May, Biden scoffed at the idea of China would overtake the U.S., citing the country’s widespread corruption problem.