I don't want to post this very serious discovery to the bread only for it to fuel the fire and cause a full-on diatribe from the Jew haters. That's not what this is about!!
This Statute signed by Congress into law in 1991 that can force us to recognize and abide by the Seven Universal Laws of Man as listed by the Talmud (Sanh. 56a). These are commonly referred to as Noahide laws which makes them seem "holy" because it's Noah, right? There is nothing holy about these laws and they should never have been made part of the legislation of this country!
One of these universal laws stipulates that it is perfectly legal to kill Christians because they are nothing more than animals. The rest are just as bad. How on earth did this get passed by both houses and signed by the President under the guise of "Education Day"?
https:// www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-105/pdf/STATUTE-105-Pg44.pdf