I've been a lurker here for about a year. I do my own research to try and figure all of this out for myself. I've read a couple Q books, such as Neon Revolt's. I also follow prime YT people such as Bongino, Dave Janda, The Patriot Hour, Praying Medic, etc. I make a post every now and then to try and clarify things I'm looking up. The reason I'm giving you this preamble is because I'm trying to deter people inevitably calling me a shill for what I'm about to suggest. And honestly, I'm only suggesting it because I'm hoping the oldfags here who know more than me can prove me wrong and put me back on the right track.
I had one too many captain and cokes last night and went down a rabbit hole into the coming "geophysical event". I'm going to assume that is the coming pole shift? Although, I'm not quite sure. Last night was probably the first night since I started following Q that I couldn't sleep. I do know for certain that whatever this event is scares the living shit out of the elites, which is the main reason for their entire New World Order plan. It seems to me that they've increased the timeframe they wish to have this plan accomplished because it needs to be done before this event. This event is going to wipe out a lot of us, but they want to make sure by the time this event happens, we are well under their maintenance level of 500,000,000 people so that way they can resume totalitarian control over everything and everyone at that time.
So here is where you all will call me a shill. But I am simply asking a legitimate question so you guys can hopefully point me on the right path to show me my conclusion is wrong. My question is, how do we know this whole Q movement, combined with the Right vs. Left and anti-Trump nonsense in the media is not just one big side distraction to keep us all busy, digging, reporting, and paying attention OVER THERE while other stuff happens OVER HERE. Let me explain, please.
What big win has Trump or Q given us? Q outlined the Illuminati power structure early on and 16 year plan to destroy America. Anybody paying attention back then I feel like they most likely already know the /_\ power structure. It's been on the internet for years, mixed in with disinformation, but it was there. And anybody following Obama already knew what he was up to for the most part. Q has focused heavily for the last year or so on the FISA spying. How relevant is the FISA spying, really? Eventually when this endless investigation finally ends, it hopefully promises that big names all the way up to Obama will go to jail. (But these things take time, but we're waiting for the Durham investigation, etc). Trust me, I get it. But we've been waiting for the "next report" or "next bombshell" for three years now and every "next report" just holds us over for the NEXT one. There's always another one coming we need to wait for. Now we are waiting for a report this spring, while a bioweapon was unleashed in China and that bioweapon being unleashed in China, according to my research, follows their EXACT plan. Along with what it is doing to the stock market.
Point I'm trying to make here is this: The Fed is still there. There's been no big arrests. From the outside looking in, it looks like (((they))) are still doing whatever they want while we sit on our hands and wait for reports. We have no big wins. I love as much as the next guy when Trump draws Qs at his rallies to prove Q is legit, but all that proves is that Trump knows Q. It doesn't prove Q is actually doing anything.
You know what the big tells will be? If and when the stock market crashes, and Trump's response to it. If he puts us back on the gold standard, or if he lets it stay crashed like the Great Depression and watch people starve. (((Their))) plan is pop reduction, stock market crash, mass starvation and disease, and their plan is still moving along while all their main players are still walking free. Something big needs to happen soon, because I'm seriously starting to lose faith. I find myself looking at my little girls on a daily basis and breaking down because I'm so scared for their future. I don't care about me… I just worry about them.
The number one thing that's bothered me about this whole thing has been the method of disclosure. I have a state job. Most people at work love Trump and can recite Fox News daily talking points. But the MAJORITY of them are anti-Trump and watch CNN. There's been no awakening there, and these guys love guns and go hunting every winter. But they still believe Trump is a racist bumbling idiot. We need something BIG, that spotlights (((them))) and shows normal people what the hell we are up against.
/end rant.
If you made it this far… thanks for listening. I'll fuck off now.
WWG1WGA. Thanks to all the patriots who are fighting the good fight. So many of us owe you so much for what you do every day.