tyvm baker!
you the one i went back and forth w sayshift yesterday? its fkn crazy.
re: myopia
>k then I feel like they most likely already know the /_\ power structure. It's been on the internet for years, mixed in with disinformation, but it was there. And anybody following Obama already knew what he was up to for the most part. Q has focused heavily for the last year or so on the FISA spying. How relevant is the FISA spying, really? Eventually when this endless investigation finally ends, it hopefully promises that big names all the way u
oh well I guess you aren't a lawfag, wheels of justice move slow.
Ive noticed it gets much moar intense under stress. halps now that ive noticed to try and take deep breaths / rationalize w myself wat is habbenin. ty Anon
excelnt werk fren, stolen
a meme with Akon - as a virus - ?
kek makes moar sense than most of the "reasonable" sheit we are spoon fed everyday :/
go onโฆ.