Disgraced financier Bernie Cornfeld is credited with creating the world's first mutual fund.
Bernie was coining money from IOU headquarters in Fernie Voltaire France, which town was renamed Bernie Voltaire by skeptic. In due course Bernie met a bigger and more ruthless crook who swindled him out of his interest in IOS, C_A backed Robert Vesco
>Financier Robert Vesco who, at the time, was also in financial trouble, turned to Cornfeld and offered his help.[3][4] Vesco proceeded to use $500 million worth of IOS money to cover his own investments in his International Controls Corporation.[citation needed] When he was discovered, Vesco fled to Costa Rica. IOS then collapsed and in the process ruined a number of US and European banks
Bernie resettled in Beverly Hills and under pretext of celebrating a independant, hedonistic lifestyle began supplying his pal Hugh Hefner with girls for his CIA honeypot and social subversion operation, Playboy Enterprises.
Bernie Cornfeld main operator and business partner was charming bail bondsman Danny Sugar who had a crew of ex cons who staked out the bus depots and train stations collect runaways come to Pedowood to realize their dreams.
Danny also did burglary and extortion and paid off law enforcement and the local judiciary. His wife never knew much about Danny's buisness and after he died was surprised to he'd insulated the garage with wads of 100s.
Human trafficking is big business and the operators make no effort (like Jimmy Saville) to conceal their activities.
Bernie C would deliver the girls Danny S collected to a gynecologist named Dr Gu in the medical dental building located at 9201 Sunset Blvd. Anon believes the gynecologist Gu is a possible relative of Eugene Gu MD who trolls POTUS on twatter.
new arrival waifs and runaway girls were checked and cleared for STDs before they were sent to a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation finally a dentist to repaired obvious cosmetic defects in their teeth.
The money to pay for this was recaptured by Bernie C and Danny S from the girl's first Playboy modeling check.
Many of the girls were obviously underage.
Have yet to establish the relationship, if any, between the cult snatch inspector Dr Gu and the TDS afflicted Eugene Gu MD. (Grandson/son/nephew)