Anonymous ID: e982a4 Feb. 28, 2020, 6:32 p.m. No.8280072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0077 >>0122

>>8279160 (lb)

I think a lot of us deal with these kinds of questions, in one way or another.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, because no matter how you look at it, it

all boils down to faith.


Your fear is that this might be a way of distracting us so that we can be culled

in preparation for a catastrophic event. My concern is that we are being

used–either for electioneering purposes, or (my deep, irrational concern) to

play a part in the Biblical End Times. People come on here regularly and post

about their concerns…because for most of us, skepticism is in our nature.


The common denominator in almost all of these moments is the fear that we are

being manipulated. Well…if that thought has never crossed your mind, you're

probably an idiot. Some person we don't know is posting riddles online, and

many of us have devoted over three years of our lives trying to figure them out.

We've been staring at the "free beer tomorrow" signs wistfully the whole time,

polishing our mugs. I wonder what Q might say to his child, if he saw them

caught up as we are with someone unbeknownst to him?


If I had known three years ago that, in three years time, I would come to learn

about some bad things some bad people I've never heard of had done, but none of

them would be in jail and they would be on television collecting salaries that I

might otherwise achieve if I had not gone down the rabbit hole…I would

have done what 99% of the other anons at 4chan did and said "fuck off newfag."

But I followed because, deep down inside, I knew this was different.


I've been visiting the chans since, say, 2005 or 2006. Some other oldfags will

know when I speak of when I say I came by way of stileproject, then ebaumsworld.

I've seen many things happen there–bs artists, open posting of cp (mods

asleep), snuff videos galore, mass raids, etc.. But I knew that this thing was

more along the lines of Cicada 3301. I now know it's far, far beyond even that.


In business, there's this concept of "sunken costs"; basically, it's the idea

that once you've lost money on something, you need to think of that money as

being gone rather than something you can get back if you spend more. People

absolutely should be looking at how much time they've spent here, because

you need these skills to get through life without getting fucked. But you also

need to be willing to follow through with a conviction.


This is a fairly grounded, reasonable fear I'm sure many have: what if this is

just a ploy to get free election support for POTUS? What if Q is Brad Parscale,

manipulating us to produce memes for zero cost? If there is one thing you

really don't need faith in to be here, it's that Q is associated with POTUS–the

deltas between twitter posts proof beyond reasonable doubt. As POTUS social

media coordinator, that would be easy…but would it be wise? To trick the most

vehement, creative bunch of people on the web into something like that? It's

possible…but it would be short-sighted, to say the least.


I came into this knowing that I was being manipulated, except you can't

manipulate the willing. I saw what the Democrats were doing, and I knew it was

malicious. So if nothing else, we have made efforts to fight an evil to the

best of our knowledge–there is nothing wrong with that.

Anonymous ID: e982a4 Feb. 28, 2020, 6:33 p.m. No.8280077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0147


As to the greater fears–the ones we can't disprove–I am lucky that I have the

Bible to consult in times of doubt. But even if I didn't, I would still draw

comfort in the fact that it is better to be manipulated in a cause you believe

good than remain passive in the face of a threat you know bad. So then we are,

again, to that point where we ask "what if I'm being tricked by a greater evil?"


The Bible says that evil can be identified via several characteristics: it

produces "bad fruit," it proclaims good to be evil (and vice-versa), it is

rooted in selfish greed, it takes advantage of ignorance, and it cannot foster

growth in the Spirit.


Has POTUS produced good fruit? As far as I can tell, yes. The bad things that

have occurred have been in opposition to what he has tried to achieve, unless

everything coming from the outside world is a lie.


Out of the current politicians, which group has worked the hardest to convince

us of the opposite of what is true? Probably the ones that have tried to

convince us that our feelings are the arbiter of reality–abortion is heroic,

your gender is whatever you feel it is, etc.. (Btw, the Republicans have done

similar things in the past as well).


We have, for years, almost exclusively voted to increase the size of the

government. The larger the government, the more powerful politicians become

relative to everyone else. Things have continually gotten worse, yet people

still fall for it in the face of all evidence; that involves taking advantage of

the ignorant, promising things that have not nor will ever be delivered, and it

provides evidence of selfish greed–no matter how much they deny it.


Finally, we have a President that has openly touted his faith–not just before

an election, but continually throughout. I don't know if POTUS is what I would

consider to be a pious man, but I believe he is at least making a sincere

attempt and he has, without question, done much to advance the cause of the

faithful in this country. Contrast this to the open hostility of the Democrats

to almost everything Christian–the whole fabric of our society turns us against

it, from movie stars and their passive-aggressive chiding to our schools and

their attempts to portray religion as the eternal enemy of from logic. Newton,

Gauss, and Euler were Christian (to name a few), but nobody knows that–they

have made it such that you have to get through a sense of embarrassment and

hiding before you can even consider trading a little social discomfort in a

finite life for eternity. This is at the root at which they've gnawed, in order

to bring every other calamity upon us.


Maybe you can't draw on any of that for support…if that's the case, then

consider this: if you can't prove that something is good, then you can't prove

that is bad–you are left to go on what you know and what you believe, and

nobody could fault you (especially not here) for doing what you thought was

right. But I urge you to consider what you think would happen if your fears

were true–what if we really were being manipulated again, distracted so that we

might miss the chance to get on that life raft? I have faith that I will have

tried to do good in full faith, and I believe I will receive a fair Judgement.

If you don't have something like that to back you up, I strongly urge you to

find it.

