Spouse anon watches MSM media and has TDS, its really sad to see this in an otherwise kind and intelligent female - such is the power of MSM programming. Spouse anon received her primary education as the the "little Red School House in Greenwich village." One of the teachers there was locked up in connection with the Rosenberg atom spy case. Every year the school had a holiday on the clowns birthday - they fully believed he was innocent. When the Mitrokhin archive was released after the fall of the Soviet Union it became clear even to the most think skulled commie he was guilty and the holiday was quietly abandoned.
>Ms. Davis, a transplant from Birmingham, Ala., became a leader of the American Communist Party and a public face of the black power movement. She was labeled a terrorist and put on trial for supplying the weapon used to shoot a California judge in 1970 — and then acquitted. John Lennon and the Rolling Stones wrote songs about her.
>Mr. Hurwitz, a red diaper baby, figured prominently in the 1968 Columbia University student uprising. Before becoming an acclaimed documentary cinematographer, Ms. Hampton writes, he was booted from a leftist collective because of admitted arrogance — “if being arrogant means I think I have the right to make suggestions that are more weighty than the next person’s suggestion,” he said.
Information War IW subversion accounted for 3/4 of the KGB's budget. Only a 1/4 went to espionage because by the 1960s the US had no important industrial commercial or scientific secrets that hadn't been already stolen.
The satanic cult/communist/satanic agents control childhood education, text book publishing, news and entertainment media, music, publishing and so called "avant guard" art magazines like Evergreen and Partisan review.
Boiling the Frog
The heat was under the pot, and aided by C_A traitors the cult slowly raised the temperature on us, "normalizing" depravity and justifying criminal behavior as the product of capitalist exactions.
There were so many Americans eager to help world communist bring social and economic justice to the US, the the KGB had networks run by Americans - unheard of in the spy business.
We need to tell the true story of how this all happened so that We the People will understand that the Hell we've created here is not organic but the fruit of a long, well planned satanic cultist subversion operation.
Cultist do not believe in any of the political ideology we are so consumed by. The satanic mystery cultists know that the world is a metaphysical realm.
They want us to believe otherwise and most of us do. Those ideological, ethnic and religious labels are useless and confusing - a tactical barrier to eradication. "useful idiots" believe in communism (maybe) but the people in charge know differently, and that Marx was subsidized by the cult as an Information Operation IO,
>Marx than tackled the ideas of Feuerbach. James Richmond has pointed out that in Feuerbach's book, The Essence of Christianity (1841) he announced "his programme of doing what his philosophical mentors had shrunk from doing - to transform completely theology into anthropology, the love of God into the love of man, the service of God into the service of man. Man must be persuaded to turn his attention away from the other-worldly to the worldly, from some life which is allegedly to come to the present life, from heaven towards earth."