>The Hills Have Eyes
Really none of this will matter as soon as they install 5g boosters everywhere we could possibly go. Can't wait to get air-nuked because retards want to stream retarded shit on their retarded fucking smart phones, 24/7, for entertainment purposes. Don't like technology? Doesn't matter. Comply of Fry!!!
>people who have the virus should wear the mask
>that's the part they don't tell you
Problem is, and I know POTUS agrees, people who are sick tend to not give AF, and retardedly spread their disease to everyone else by being retarded. I can't fucking stand sick people who don't cover their orifices when they cough/sneeze/etc, spreading their fucking germs everywhere so other get sick, too. The sick people don't really give a shit, mainly we program people to be self-centered assholes and because they are already sick, they don't have to worry about getting sick. I actually know some people who purposely get other people sick, just because they feel like since they had to suffer thru an illness, so should everyone else on the fucking planet. People are retarded, mostly. There is no vaccination to fix that, unfortunately. But yes, I do agree that education is key. However, we focus more on enter-fucking-tainment than proper edu-fucking-cation. So, what I'm really trying to say is, were fucked either way…
>ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERY unveils entirely new state of matter
FUCK THIS. These faggots are trying to take credit for the things they purposely left out of education for a century now. The UNiverse is fucking Electromagnetic. Anyone who hasn't been in-fucking-doctrinated can see it plane as fucking day. We've known about "the aether" for centuries, now. Problem is the bull shit they've been teaching us is useless fucking fake "physics" that fails to give credit to MANY a brilliant 19th century mind who made incredible advancements in our collective understanding of how shit works. Fuck these little bitches. They need to fucking apologize, not continue lies.
"Matter" doesn't fucking exist without the Electromagnetic Force. Neither does any fucking other thing in our Universe.
>That kills us off every 12k years?
"Cycles" are fake and gay.
They're based off blatant misinterpretations of data.
Our planet might not have even been orbiting our sun 12,000 years ago, for all we know. Our planet is relatively new to this environment. There is plenty of evidence of this, but because we've been forcing kids to learn fake "science" for the past century, we think we know everything, but only if we keep regurgitating the same fucking lies that everyone else was forced into believing because they are too afraid to challenge people that the comped fucking media has declared to be "genius".
>at this rate we will return to burning scientists at the stake.
When the "science" they teach is fake and fucking gay, they deserve to be burnt at the stake.
Act like religions are crazy for recognizing validity in ancient texts, yet "scientists" are awesome for making up shit to pretend like "they know" how and when the Universe was formed/created, despite their THEORY going against ALL known observations. I fucking dare you.
Same goes for "Evolution" via "Natural Selection". There still missing the "missing link", but they force kids to learn this shit in schools, which goes against 70% of the populations religious beliefs, and has numerous implications for how destructive this mentality has been to society as a whole. If you want to believe you're a fucking monkey, be my fucking guest. But if you think every child should be forced into "learning" your fake fucking theory, then by all fucking means, you deserve to be burnt at the stake. Keep your bull shit to yourself. Don't try to act like it's "science", when this type of shit is exactly what science set out to correct in the first fucking place…