Anonymous 02/29/20 (Sat) 08:44:59 d86de2 (5) No.8282508>>8282741
They think it’s hurting Trump. We know it only hurts us. Trump=the people
Was at rally last night. I haven’t watched it on YouTube yet. That was 15,000 people making so much noise my ears are hurting today. A rally hangover if you will.
Side note. One seat was open next to me. A Chinese lady say there. We were talking and she was from an area North of Wuhan. I asked how long it’s been since she was home- last October.
She was curious about the rally. Went on to tell me how she likes the healthcare system in China and the transportation. She did say nothing like the rally would ever happen in China. They keep their leaders ‘confidential’
She left early- no goodbye after chatting for a bit before it started. I’m paranoid about her?? No coincidences yet that was my next door seat neighbor