Anonymous ID: 1f4fdf Feb. 29, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.8285358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Secret service knows who these sick evil assholes are, they would never EVER be let into a Trump rally.

And if someone the next few months, gets into a rally line and is coughing and not covering their mouth. Then people should be alert( eyes open, paying attention) for that, and tell security and get their ass removed from the rally line.


Also if you knowingly get people sick with a deadly disease, pretty sure that is illegal( except in california)


Also anyone confirme/diagnosed as having Coronavirus, would be put in quarentine, and a if they try to leave, they will be in locked down quarentine.

Their name will be on a list of those who contracted the virus.

This asshole won't be doing jack shit.