"Outlaw Straws"
I have to believe this is a psyop created to make people come to the realization of just how fucking batshit crazy liberalism is.
Any woman over the age of 18 that doesn't have kids is a slut
prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't
this is why we must show absolutely no mercy to the perpetrators of injustice upon children. All these motherfuckers need to be skinned alive and then have their testicles fed to dogs while still attached.
yeah this is getting spoopy
they sure do watch a lot of Trump, those Trump Haters.
I don't watch Bernie or Hillary or White Squaw or Mini Mike.
all the blue checks are sending people to Trump Rallys where they will find out that they actually like Trump Supporters, all for a virus that doesn't exist! KEK!
Seems like a pretty squared away guy. I wonder what his plans are for Apefricka? Hopefully pushing the chinky bugs out and elevating the continent to a point of recognition for the rest of the world. Be nice if someone would do something other than abuse those poor people.
You know if we report him to the FBI for making terrorist threats, I'm pretty sure they have to go to his house and attempt to create a report of his intentions.