Did we decode POTUS' 'a' misspelling; Coronavirus>caronavirus?
Coronavirus is of course not a hoax, its a common virus and we're seeing a new strain that's coupled with possible SARS symptoms. Every time we get a cold we develop an immunity to THAT strain of cold, and we also develop partial immunity to related strains. The Human Coronavirus has been around for thousands of years and its strains are related and well-mapped. We are very familiar with Coronavirus AND SARS. Very. Keep that in mind.
COVID-19 has been now officially named to identifier SARS-CoV2, to differentiate it from SARS-Cov identified in 2003. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/SARS/SARS.html. So the media is calling it 'Novel SARS' now. to push the difference as 'new', dropping calling it Covid-19. ITS NEW! and IMPROVED!
Deep state is certainly manufacturing fear and using that fear for their agenda to take down a president and crash an economy, control people and keep them glued to media outlets for more daily brainwashing. At the end of all the media hype, when this virus turns out to be the next pandemic nothing burger, and media fails to make Trump look bad with it, it may truly be the end of corporate media.
Because just like every other nothing burger in pic-related, this current pandemic will be contained. In fact, this one may die out quicker than Ebola or Zika or some of the other more recents, since our medical and science professionals ARE so familiar with its related strains and the previous strain of Sars-Cov (1). Most people will experience regular cold symptoms. Those with compromised immune systems or elderly, or who already have chronic respiratory issues will fare less well…But they are no more at risk now than they are with any other flu. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/03/the-flu-has-already-killed-10000-across-us-as-world-frets-over-coronavirus.html
All of these diseases kill. But they have not been the great extinction events that the media always works us up over.
As we've seen from all the middle east videos where the 'dead bodies' can't help fidgeting under the shrouds covering them, 'the world is ending' videos can all be staged. Who's to say those 'chinese' videos weren't staged in NK?
So why isn't this virus, that obviously was engineered and then released, the great human extinction event that the cabal elite has planned for us? They have the means..they've been developing bio weapons for years. High security labs have worse bioweapons than coronavirus. So why would they use THE COMMON COLD this time? Why would they use one of our best studied viruses? Why would they use just a common cold carrier with just another SARS payload?
Well, lets look at what they are doing, and not what they are saying. Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio are not aboard their mega yachts and 'waiting it out' at sea. Nancy Pelosi hasn't gated herself in her mansion, neither have other DS politicians. The Pope, Macron, the Queen of England are not hiding in their swiss alp bunkers. Bloomberg, Gates and Zuckerberg are still driving the streets in their limosines with their armed bodyguards. Soros hasn't barricaded himself into his house. So they are worried as much about this virus as they are worried about climate change.
So they aren't ready for The Big One. It wasn't time to use a human extinction level disease. 1) they wouldn't be safe from a serious illness yet. They could get it and die, if it was an actual deadly disease..the one that will wipe out 650 million of us. and 2) They aren't back in power yet. They don't have enough world power yet. They don't have everything in place for their end agenda.
So they've been rushed and have to use 'just' a revised strain of a common disease coupled with a media narrative. This is the same as how they can't get the economy to crash, they had to use the media several times in the last few years to push an idea that we were entering a recession..that never came. BC they aren't able to actually create a recession ANY MORE…so they had to HOPE that enough people would believe them to panic, stop buying and self-fulfill. But its not going to happen, and while some people are going to die, we are prepared for this nastier version of the common cold.
Reference the same-named satellites. We took control. We rerouted. We took them offline.
When yet another nothing burger materializes, and the deaths remain lower than those caused by the flu, and the vaccine (which we have already) is there if you want it, and Coronavirus disappears from the news just like Mad Cow disease did, what will they try next?