This is FUCKING insane. I would distribute the addresses of city council, elected leaders, local police( especially the officer that said that) to every homeless camp in town, saying it is legal for them to camp at these addresses.
I would also get officers and city council on tape saying that you have to let the homeless live on your property and can't touch their stuff.
I would offer the ones in my yard 50 bucks and a free ride with all their belongings to that officers house, and drop them off and say, here ya go buddy, this guy said you can live here.
and i would drop some off at Pelosi and schiffs house, and any other Dem that represents that district.
Look at the homeless epidemic in Los Angeles due to failed liberal policies, high taxes, and high crime.
Police are now demanding citizens allow homeless people to camp on their private property, threatening this man with arrest if he moves them.