>That being said when said private companies have been misclassified, then yes, that classification not only needs to be changed but it needs to have its neck stomped on as well.
Then this is what you people need to start talking about instead of crying about 'muh silenced conservatives'. Not silencing people. Just Conservatives. Because no one cares if a supposed 'lefty' gets silenced. Lefties already went through this shit with Bush and it continued through most of the Obama admin, so don't look to them for sympathy. The fact is, no one really cares about how companies are classified. Everyone, left or right, just wants their opinions heard and no one elses. Everyone thinks the Supreme Court is going to say that Twitter is not going to stop silencing people. That's not going to happen. Ever. I would also like to point out there is nothing stopping conservatives from making their own Twitter. And if someone does, that's what they need to fight.
I'm not here to shit on Trump or Q, but I'm not here to worship them either. I believe in healthy skepticism. The Bush administration made me hate Republicans, both politicians and their voters, and watching the near complete 180 they did when Trump got elected has been amazing.