In the blink of an eye (you), watch and see
Were it not for family and friends, there are few which have any respect for an older generation. Little by little people no longer notice; corporations, governments, organizations humor our input as we become the offscouring of society. The good wisdom gained over time is set aside as irrelevant for the day when all we are attempting to do is to subtlety attempt to show the way from dark to light. I’m 61 and it came upon me like a thief that tried to steal my integrity but failed.
When we take information from the outside we have much greater risk of consuming a corrupt thought than if we get most of our information from within. Within is discernible whether it is a pure source or not and gives us better opportunity to determine the path which has a fork in it.
Four wise men gave answer to the people regarding scripture.
The Theologian said, The scriptures are all theology and philosophy for thinkers. He then spoke in cunning and carefully crafted words, describing the depths of theology and philosophy. The people said, Who is like this wise man? He speaks to us from the deep and shows us the dark thoughts of man.
The second, a Historian answered and said, The scriptures are the history of civilization. And he spoke by memorization of the order of events occurring to mankind. The people said, This is a wise man. He tells forth of our Fathers past, and of kings; of both signs and seasons, and of days, and of years. He shows us times of old to this very day.
The next, a man of religion, said, The scriptures are a religious book. It is this book which has been given to us so we can teach you our religion and carry you into our fold. The people replied, Such worldly wisdom this man has. He has well learned his craft from the generations before him: Insomuch that in word and in deed, even the garment he wears is the same as those of former times.
The fourth wise one spoke and said, The scriptures are an autobiography. He then shewed us it was so. His words were those of one having authority, speaking quickly and seamlessly, using brightly colored language. The people cried, This wise and understanding one we will follow! His words show that he has stretched himself beyond that of the others. He began by laying a foundation for a place where we can rest sure in the end; and has given hope whereby we can hang on until the changing of times.