I have a cousin who is a witch since the 70's she. turned from cool hippie chick to now looking like the wicked witch.
And she eats road kill.
I'm the guy who looks like Trump and had to wear funky glasses when I went in public or people would attack me. Also in our 60's with a 15 year old son who looks like this picture of Trumps son.
My deep state parents were silent generation. Think John McCaine(sp) but underlings.
One was into hookers the other movie moguls and priests.
Boomers went from one fad to the next. Retarded group think.
Not really if you think of it.
The last decade of boomers did not get the boomer benefits.
They sucked up that much wealth.
The Wrecking Crew created all their music the rock stars were just figure heads. You were scammed.
I hung out with studio musicians and and rock stars, the rock stars aren't the talent they are trust fund kids with connections. the little people create the music.
If you didn't grow up in Los Angeles or New York you only have second hand information.