One morning I was observing and making videos of Chem-trails. I happened to look up at the right time as say two white orbs doing a figure eight at a distance. They never intersected at the center point of the figure eight. I reached for my Nikon Coolpix, removed my polarized sunglasses and pointed the camera at the orbs. They disappeared. I put the sunglasses back on and they re-appeared. I realized that you needed polarized lenses to see them. Just as I attempted to point the camera at the orbs a dozen orbs appeared from behind a cloud. Then they all took off towards the north east amazingly fast. I did not have time to look into the viewfinder to center the camera on the orbs, so I simply pointed it in the direction they were traveling and clicked until they were gone. Four of the images registered 4 orbs. They can be seen at the bottom of this image. One of them is just barely visible.