Anonymous ID: 332d22 April 22, 2020, 2:31 a.m. No.8882501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>5611 >>3073





>Yes anon, the MAGNET is the key.

  • Yet again a late night reply to reinforce the narratives / information you try to sell. Havent seen that before.


The way you write has never changed. The way you type a couple lines then make a space, followed by several more single spaced sentences typically in Socratic method with your follow-up dynamic IP. You are a desperate gatekeeping shill working literally for years to misdirect and distort the relevant information here. While you may think that you have fooled everyone here you couldn't be more incorrect. Your typing patterns give you away every single time a new IP shows up and feeds into the message and narrative you are trying to sell. Your second device always resets its IP that's why theres always a "new anon" posting to your replies which just happen to reinforce confirmation bias. Just as you asked three questions to finish your second post you've done the same thing previously, its poor Socratic method at best but more importantly it demonstrates the same tactics constantly on rinse repeat. The only conversations you have on here are with yourself.