Anonymous ID: 7152ea March 5, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.8325059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5384 >>8335



I remember watching those 2 "debunkers" on tv after the wave of crop circles in the 90's.

I've gotten pretty deep into the Looking Glass rabbit hole, maybe even too deep, and something I watched yesterday kinda goes with your Quetzalcoatl post here, I think.

In it, the theory is being proposed that the lost city of Atlantis and and lost continent of Lemuria both were not nearly as primitive as we are led to believe, and that they possibly had tech and abilities greater than we do today, and along with them, The Egyptians.

In this video, the theory is tossed around that all of them had access to time travel, teleportation, and things like that, and that Ra and others like him, maybe even Quetzalcoatl, could have used that to their advantage to be deified, which kinda makes sense with your crop circles from the future.

What I have been questioning lately after getting way deep into it, and now after seeing other info that suggests it could be much older than we originally thought, is which side of the looking glass is Wonderland?

Ours or theirs?

If they have in fact been using it for thousands upon thousands of years, then would our "matrix" be an offshoot of the original world? What even is the original world??

Everything I learn is generating more questions than answers for me at this point.

Apologies if I went too far off your original topics, but it seemed somewhat connected to me.

Anonymous ID: 7152ea March 5, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8329170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9989


I'm the anon you responded to and also posted some videos above and wanted to clarify my post reset.

I cleared my cache trying to fix the images not loading for half the breads on clearnet.

Pic related.

Its driving me up the wall and I've tried just about everything, anybody know a fix?


So, If the moon is a satellite, then what the hell is Earth?

Somebody in the main threads keeps posting a picture of Shell Beach from the movie Dark City, almost like its a clue.

Well, in Dark City their version of Earth was a giant machine floating through space.

>The real question, now, since we're nearing this convergence, is who exactly Thoth was, what he knew and how he knew it.


Some of the things I've seen recently attribute the winged serpents to incoming craft, and I find that to be more believable then actual winged serpents, which also goes along with messenger Gods who were given the titles of Gods for what they knew.

It just makes sense and if thats what we are in store for, it would make for a fantastic "sky event".

I've found my way to a few Valiant Thor videos and I'm getting to those next as he is another character with an incredible story, claiming to be from Venus, able to live 1,000 years, and knew 100 different languages.

In the Tesla FBI files there was a note that claimed he was a Venusian sent here as a baby.

So did Tesla really die, or did he just go somewhere else?

And then there are also the Egyptian artifacts that were found in the Grand Canyon that predate Egypt before the CIA ran in and closed most of it off and It really seems all connected.

So many mysteries still.

Anonymous ID: 7152ea March 5, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.8329242   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I liked this interview so much that I wanted to see more, so I started going through that entire playlist, which I'm posting here for anybody else interested.

Excellent stuff, imo, with a range of different topics.