this is not a pepe joke
Has anyone had contact with "frog-like" beings?
I am looking for further confirmation about dream contact I may have had two days after my teams' last CE-5. Our closing statement was about paying attention to further contact that may come in the dream state in the ensuing days. What a coincidence.
Basically what happened was two ET introduced themselves as a scientist and a doctor. The doctor was a female. She resembled shrek except with a much larger head and protruding eyes, like a frog. This is the closest approximation I can come up with for describing her species.
The overall message they shared in this exchange was about the importance of Coherent Thought when communicating with advanced civilizations well versed in the science of consciousness. See for an in depth explanation of the science of consciousness and why, as many anons have opined, it is 101 for exopolitics (or contact ET via CE-5)
Now a word on doing virtual CE-5.
First of all, the new app apparently enhances the ability for decentralized groups to get together with willing contactees nearby. I cannot confirm 100% because I have not bought the app yet. I am broke as shit. But my team is hosting our first virtual CE-5 over a video conference platform and these are some ideas we have come up with. I hope these ideas help inspire you and the anons interested in furthering peaceful contact with ET civilizations.
1) Remote viewing. Members can make a drawing beforehand and use it as a remote viewing target. We will have a timer set to 3 minutes per target for participants to meditate on. This is a very fun activity and people tend to be pleasantly surprised at their innate abilities. Oh, and perhaps encourage ppl to keep a pen and pad nearby to draw their inferences.
2) 10min silent meditation on a symbol. So, like, if someone held up the star of david (not implying anything. I just like it for its ancient history and everyone has seen it) & everyone in the video chat meditates on the same image/object for ten minutes it will build group coherence.
โโGroup Coherence seems to be the keystone to making -mass- contact. It is much easier to do CE-5 with 1-3 ppl.โ-
3) Cleansing meditation. So instead of using any guided meditations from youtube or greer we are actually going to have a team member(s) lead us in meditation. This, I think, will really build coherence. Sometimes you kind of have to kick ppl in the ass who resent doing anything non-greer. These are level 0 ce-5'ers who don't understand the big picture. Just tell em like it is. WWG1WGA philosophy. One has to approach this thing with scientific humility.
4) Coherent Thought Sequencing. I will personally be leading the group thru CTS this time. Our second time having a group member do this. If you have doubts about your public speaking skillz, just write down your script ahead of time and qualify yourself by saying "I'm just a simple person this is my first time doing this plz dont judge i love you and its ok if you laugh at my accent" etc etc. JUST WRITE UR SCRIPT DOWN. Mistakes are ok. This is a huge opportunity for those who truly care about bypassing the deep state and advancing ET contact for the betterment of mother earth and all her children.
Hope this helps you anons.