Okay, so the Wiener process ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiener_process ) is a mathematical process to characterize brownian motion in one direction. In the pic attached shows a wiener process with random walk (red) versus one with drift (blue)
My thought is that this is a key to understanding how certainty and deterministic forces arise in a universe made of quantum interactions when we reach a larger scale, then return to chaos/randomness.
Think of magnetic induction: you can induce a current in a conductive medium by changing the magnetic field vector perpendicular to the direction of current by the right-hand rule, and likewise can equally change the magnetic field vector around the medium by running a current in the medium.
I must emphasize what this means: there is NO difference in what was the cause, if the B field (magnetic field) changes then the current in the wire must change and vice versa.
This means not only TIME symmetry, but CAUSAL symmetry! An external observer must be able to distinguish the cause to figure out what is happening when considering an inductive system.
Now, to extend this… have you ever felt as though certain events in your life occurred with the specific purpose of bringing you to a certain place, mindset, situation, etc.? Think about induction. Why is this relevant?
Thank you for being understanding anon. Many here are trying to divide and seed negative thought forms in the anon groups that frequent this thread. Message over messenger is necessary for truth.