I tried a little experiment and now I don't know what to think.
Testing for nanobots or whatever we are inhaling in our air.
Live in countryside in cold Northeast area not near any big cities.
Few chemtrails here?
On voat nurse said she swished organic grape juice in mouth for 30 secs and spit onto white plate, added alcohol and could see nanobots (or whatever is being sprayed into our air) wriggling around.
So I did this 3 times and had a control with just the organic juice and alcohol added (no swishing in mouth). I swished w juice and spit out onto white plate and added alcohol. Lots of WRIGGLING dark things. Too big for bacteria. Same wriggling even after I repeated 3 times (my mouth should have been pretty clean by then). No wriggling in control plate with juice and alcohol but some movement/pulsing as alcohol reacted w juice.
Additional note
Super clean POTUS-type germaphobe, not in a relationship
Swishing juice in mouth + alcohol =dark things wriggling around
Control: Juice + alcohol =no wriggling, just some movement
Original experiment/post from VOAT