Juden unter sich!
>Hör auf. Juden sind dies, Deutsche das.
Ich kann doch nichts daran ändern, aber es sind immer JUDEN!
Die letzten 200 Jahre gehen 300 Millionen Menschen auf ihr Konto, ob dir das gefällt oder nicht, Jude!
Holohoax Tales - Liberated By My Neighbour (On my birthday)
Testimony of Sol Lurie.
Electric City Television
Published on May 10, 2017
Holohoax Tales - Human Skin Lampshades
Testimony of Sol Lurie.
Holohoax Tales - Broken back and Oral Sex
Testimony of Nathan Offen
USC Shoah Foundation
Published on Jan 30, 2009
Holohoax Tales - The Jew on the tractor wheel
Terezin inmate Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt describes another holohoax tale involving a tractor.
This story is like a Looney Tunes cartoon.
USC Shoah Foundation
Published on Jul 18, 2011
Full video: https://youtu.be/FRMWD8L1xDg?t=45
Holohoax Tales - Shooting 3 babies with 1 bullet
Holohoax Tales from 3 cousins who claim they were all Sonderkommandos working in the gas chambers.
Schlomo Venezia tells the tale of a 'nazi' Shooting 3 babies with 1 bullet.
Morris Venezia tells the same story in a book, but changes the baby victims to young women.
Holohoax Tales - My bread was stolen when I fell in shit
Kitty Fischer tells her 'Schindler's List' inspired tale of falling in latrines.
USC Shoah Foundation
Published on Jun 18, 2015
Holohoax Tales - The Painter in the Toilets
Kitty Fischer tells the tale of the academic painter.
USC Shoah Foundation
Published on Jun 18, 2015
Holohoax Tales - The Miracle Birch Tree
Magda Herzberger, author of the book, Survival, tells her Birch Tree miracle.
Full speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adVxY0x-4Tk
Holohoax Tales - Zisblatt Swallows and Excretes Diamonds for a year
Infamous holohoaxer Irene Zisblatt tells her diamond story….
she also said she washed her shitty diamonds in the camp soup.
The Dirty B'stard
Holohoax Tales - Jew soap sold in German shops after the war
Fred Schiefler was in 11 concentration camps and is still pushing the Jew soap propaganda which even official holocaust historians have confirmed was atrocity propaganda.
Holocaust Survivor Speaks To Local Students
Sep 5, 2009
Reported By: Rob Hughes
KSWT News 13
Yuma, AZ September 4- A Holocaust survivor speaks to more than a hundred students at the Yuma Private Industry Council's Charter High School on Friday.
Fred Schiefler is one of a handful of holocaust survivors left in the world.
You could hear a pen drop as Schiefler spoke to a room of stunned students after hearing what he went through as a young teenager. He discussed how and why the Nazis were able to commit what's been called the greatest atrocity in human history.
"Very few people saved themselves," said Schiefler. He says one reason the Nazis were able to kill 6 million Jews is no one could stop them.
"Let me tell you one thing," said Schiefler, "Germany almost won the war; they had the first jet planes, they had better tanks than America, better ammunition, the soldiers were well-trained, very good generals."
Schiefler spent time in 11 concentration camps, including Auswitz. His entire family was killed by the Nazis; his mother was shot right in front of him.
"The shower heads used to disperse gas, it was called Cyclone B, and in 15-20 minutes, 3,4 thousands people, they would be gassed in that big hall," said Schiefler.
Schiefler visited a German pharmacy after the war to buy some soap.
"This was 6 months after the war; they were selling Jew soap, made of Jew's fat from the concentration camps; so tell me, who were the Germans?" said Schiefler.
Schiefler weighed 55 pounds at the end of the war; he says one word describes why he survived multiple Nazi concentration camps, and millions didn't.
"I believe in miracles," said Schiefler, "it's a miracle that I'm sitting here in this chair, being able to talk to you, where are all my families?"
Shiefler doesn't take a dime for speaking, and has several books in the works; of which he wants 100% of the proceeds to go to the Holocaust Museums in Washington D.C. and Jerusalem.
>Aber wie bringen wir unser Land wieder auf die Beine?
Nicht euer Land JUDE, feuchte Träume oder was ist los mit dir?
Selbst wenn deine Familie hier seit ein paar hundert Jahren lebt,
bist du mit Sicherheit kein Deutscher, sondern nur ein Möchtegern!
>Aber sei es drum, zu verkaufen habe ich Kunsthandwerk
Ich hoffe doch entartete Kunst, wie es sich für einen Juden gehört!
>Ich bin nur ein Fale, ein Deutscher wenn du willst-
Wenn du wirklich Deutscher sein solltest,
dann bist du vom aller feinsten verjudet!
>Die sind von mir.
>Albern sicher.
Albern nicht, Kitsch!
Sieht aus als ob du ein Tag mit deinem Kind in der Schule warst,
und auch etwas gebastelt hast.
Damit kann man Geld verdienen?
Was sind die Menschen verblödet!
Immerhin betätigst du dich Handwerklich!
Dafür bekommst du von mir sogar ein dickes LOB.
>Hör auf mit Juuude Du Depp!
Das liegt allein bei dir, dann rede nicht wie einer!
>Der Holocaust ist eine vierteilige Miniserie.
>Abgedreht von dem Juden Spielberg.
Ah, ein Neuling in der Runde, denn sonst wüßtest du,
daß ich vor 2-3 Tagen einige Vids zu Spielberg gepostet habe!
Da hast du aber einen harten Einstieg gehabt.
Ich hoffe du hast dennoch Spaß gehabt,
denn der sollte hier nicht zu kurz kommen!