Black Pill Theater
Q keeps whiffing on his shit, can't land anything, credibility continues to tank
Virus panic turns out to be vicious and truly fucks economy
Anons start chimping out online over muh plan Z
Feds finally crack down on Q movement, arrests made in Spring
Trump's chances for 2020 plummet over Ds political attacks as country descends into virus / economic panic
Lib states begin violent revolt agains Trump admin, ICE agents shot by local LEOs
NG is actually activated over the summer as antifa begins it's planned summer of chaos
Bernie Bros chimp out during summer as Bernie has been effectively neutralized by the DNC
Several coastal cities become literal war zones / zombie apocalypse
Deep state makes it move against Trump, releases deep fakes that turn majority against him
Trump forced to clamp down as riots continue
Trump supporters who have been placed on kill lists by antifa activists over the past three years begin to be targeted and killed, livestreamed deaths
Iran collapses, total war breaks out in ME
US bases attacked world-wide in Fall
Elections suspended
SC judges targeted for assassination
America officially fractures into prolonged low intensity hot civil war, no one knows who is who, what side is what
Trump unexpectedly dies
Pence is forced to step down
Ds take control of Executive branch and declare martial law
20% of military breaks away, open warfare in America
China begins open warfare against Israel and other US proxies
Second bioterrorism pandemic released, killing most of Africa
Not even 2021 yet