Question: Who's the Deep State's preferred candidate now?
So anons, I thought for sure Buttigieg was the Deep State choice. Shows how much I know.
I'm revising my guess to: the candidate they think that has the best chance of beating Trump. It's not that they don't want Sanders to win–it's that they don't think he has a chance to beat POTUS. The sense that I get is that they're all entwined, in some way, with the cabal. We know that many of them felt that, by running, they might protect themselves from prosecution by screaming "election interference!" We've already seen it with Biden.
I see them all as a sort of "shotgun" spray attempt by the cabal to just "throw everything and see what sticks." Want another smooth metrosexual with a hint of minority cred (Obama template)? Buttigieg. Want a hard-nosed, tell-it-like-it-is success story (Manchurian Trump)? Bloomberg. Want the established guy (past success template)? Biden. Want a woman vetted by the established authorities (HRC template)? Warren. Want a woman that has some homebody appeal? Klobuchar. Want free money? Yang. Want free everything and fuck successful people they make me feel bad? Sanders.
If I had to choose one favorite now, I'd say Warren. But they'd all be disastrous, if they had a chance.