It's not that Anatollia hasn't had great rulers . . .
it's just that Estrogen isn't one of them. Wait, did I spell his name wrong?
It's not that Anatollia hasn't had great rulers . . .
it's just that Estrogen isn't one of them. Wait, did I spell his name wrong?
It's really about control of the Drug and Prostitution rackets, and other aspects of organized crime. IRA are a Marxist front (communist). The Ulster Unionists are typical jackboot Sctootick bullys (like a lot of union people)
never heard that part of Druids being cannibals. Would like sauce for that.
you could not.
sauce it or shut it.
you're going to be the baker?
so you decided to turn your theme into Nazi's . . . after posting some patriots.
Seems like a smeer of MAGA
Gaslights that some person is a vampire
Posts Nazis
you posted them to conflate this place with Nazi's
Nothing can stop what's coming.
insertion troll defends the nazi-posting baker
Back a long long time ago it became clear to many anon that . . . . . were often compped, and not on the MAGA side. There was nothing we could do about it.
It was evident in various methods of shills being the exact methods of these . . . . . . . and thus it was clear to many of us. And when thye thought it was just a few of us they would do the chest thumping and basically admit it.
What can we anon do? we don't own the board. Obviously a lot of bullshit goes on here. but we see the various efforts and recognize the meanings of various types of posts, and why they are provided, and it's clear what is going on.
and even though these teams are here to piss in these breads, they are powerless to stop Q and the anon.
they make themselves very obvious.
most anon know.
no American person every uses the term 'Wanker', ever.
you can report this as a self dox and see what happens. It's possible that BO is seeing the board today.
select 'report' from the menu that will appear when you click the right facing triangle at the top left of your post, and you can figure it out from there.
either 'a crisis' or 'crises', in plural form.
maybe you need some shuteye!
"Be calm & vigilant!"
Sage advice from our President!
So Tomorrow we have a primary in the Bay State and wouldn't it be Nice if Donnie got more votes than all the Democrats Presidential candidates combined?
in order for that to happen Independants will need to request a Republican ballot and choose Donald from the four choices.
We can make it happen!
If you're in the Bay State and you're still regisitered as a Dem, then you can help Donald by taking a Dem ballot and not voting for any of the presidential candidates.
when you say 'us all' you mean just yourself.
you said 'harm' not 'die'.
It's OK, don't worry, I'm not throwing you into a pit, but just pointing out what you do.
at any point you can stop hurling curses, and you will be fine.
sometimes people don't know that their effect seems toxic to others. I've often just blatted out posts without much thought and some draw out their long knifes and attack me for being blunt, not really callus.
but you have to put in the insult, so that shows you don't have a kind heart.
the world and the universe? the spirits? who? meet you in a way that you present yourself to others, like a mirror.
so you got some hard shit coming, don't you?
how would I know. you know yourself much better than I do. but it seems to me . . . given how you behave here, you got some shit you have to sort through . . . perhaps in bardo . . .or in night mare. It's all on you, your derision, spreading curses, name-calling.
'harm', there is that word again. that's you putting out a curse.
I'm not fooled by one such as you.
we're annoying the gatekeeper people, so I'm going to stop now.
you can go to CNN and see this yourself:
Traider Joe's founder ded according to CNN
sauce on California Santa Ana Church shooting
it works better without your badgering and abuse.
like you don't know how to find CNN?
PS: Jack Welch died. DO I need to link to POTUS twitter, or can you get there on your own?
Ah, yes, I see it's there with all the other tweets.
PS: some times we tussle, and sometimes people say stuff.
bake on.
and make new bread.
and TY for being our . . . friend.
what ever your picture is, It's already blocked, so I know it's not a uplifting image . . .
so you decided to nip at my heals at the end of the bread like a pommerannian puff poodle?
which one? aren't there currently two popes?
but is he a good clown or a bad clown?
dude, you know the drill about this.
just let them them play-through.
they're here on the golf course too, wanting a better world, don't they?
so they let themselves be known as they march through.