no because the faggot jew married his cousin twice you fucking tard.. stole his ideas from the patent office. Only way his theories work is if you readjust the rest of the universe.
its all of those things….the question is do you believe the Bible as a Historical document. Yes you can deflect and say its been altered , but what were the Canaanites. Who were the Phoenicians. Why did God command the real isrealites to destroy these people? What happened when they did not? Does Babylon go through Rome? Do i think demons are real yes, but you have to start looking in these places and understanding why Jesus had to come. What is the cult of Mithas. Yes its a bucket of fuck but follow the thread of Christ and you can see the story clearly.
Nothing that is the point the Catholic Church has been infiltrated since day one. The church of Jesus and his followers was infiltrated as well…this is why paul and jesus both spoke of this happening. These cults or mystery religions, that run counter to Christ have been around forever, they corrupted the true Jewish people as well. Of course i have bias, towards the Truth. The catholic church itself violates pretty much all the rules Jesus laid out. Call no man father for example. What about the entire pray in secret and you will be rewarded in heaven. Those are important ideas, and this cult call it what you want, also infected the middle east with islam. The true faith of the region is Zoroastrianism, and while i am still shakey on how there is a connection to Jesus as well through that as the 3 wisemen knew enough to come to see him when he was born. WE are missing alot and its hard to put a puzzle together when you know the pieces are missing or are from totally other puzzles but we do see a complete picture still when you put enough of the pieces we do have together.
>>8298475 as if i care if its ad hominem if its correct…Trump himself is a master of ad hom attacks. I hate when people say oh muh ad hom. lol….Yeah because those records are long gone, look to the Michelson-Morley experiments as well if you have not. some interesting things there that make more sense to me as a lay person than anything that fraud jew ever came up with.
these guys are great….i think some of the most based lecturers on Christ. With all the Catholic talk they are showing how the evangelical movement is corrupted by the Pope.
fuck off jew stop eating baby dicks.