You're just e-dead, not really dead.
Say, anyone else think that spergy "I got 2 million for my options" e-tough guy last night was Pedo Dan? Theory based on the fact they are used to bossing teen girls around and threatening them, and Nickelodeon firing him for 'temper issues.'
I have MI family, and while I don't outright dox myself here, they know who it is and that I am doing my best to help.
unscrupulous producers put entities into their product. think reiki.
my brother called me over here specifically to call you fuckers out. be gone satan.
this is what i suspected.
i'd only trust dutch, everyone in bc is either a spook or a pedo. and there are even a lot of pedos in the dam sadly.
why do you keep replying with blanks? cat got your tongue? lol