Anonymous ID: 2a68ad March 2, 2020, 4:31 p.m. No.8303454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3477 >>3479 >>3485


The Lost Tribe of Dan from Israel has hatched many counterfeits. Most of the inventors are high minded slobs in powerful places who have a narcissic need to connect with God, Jesus Christ, and/or Satan– ON MAN'S TERMS. The end result is some of the most filthy doctrines of all human history. YOUR church or pastor may blindly be promoting this rubbish in the name of "Hebrew Roots."


The legend of Mary Magdalene marrying Jesus– The Merovingian Royal Blood Line of Europe– the Lost Tribe of Israel, which is Dan– all are dealt with in this article. This is the basis of the royal families of Europe believing they are descended from Jesus Christ. This story is also a Hebrew Roots myth, and it aspects of it have infected nearly every alleged prophecy teacher in the Lord's Church. It is the religious faith of all European royals, as well as many elite in the USA, including the Bush family. It is filthy beyond belief, and it includes the notion that Jesus and Mary Magdalene cohabitated and produced a son. The only thing even close to this cult in filth and sex perversion is Mormon teachings.



Anonymous ID: 2a68ad March 2, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.8303818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The Merovingians are smart enough


Believing a bunch of inbred idiots are smart enough.

Smart enough to rape and pillage to the point of their collapse.

You must be an offspring.