>Mosquitoes cause at least 2.7 million deaths every year. About 500 million cases of mosquito-borne diseases occur annually. 90% of mosquito-borne illnesses occur in Africa.
>In fact, mosquito bites result in over 1 million deaths every year.
>Mosquito-borne diseases include the Zika virus, dengue, malaria, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, and more.
>The majority of these deaths are due to mosquito-borne diseases, most prominently malaria.
>In 2017, malaria alone was responsible for around 435,000 deaths worldwide.
As I suspected it's the diseases that kill, not the mosquitos.
Further the 2.7MM seems quite inflated, and the sauce posted times that to 1MM+, and further reduces it with "the majority are malaria" and "malaria killed 435,000 in 2017". So I guess mosquito born diseases kill somewhere between 500K and 2.7MM people a year is as accurate as we can get. Not being critical. Since 90% are in Africa, fuzzy data is the best we're going to get, although I suspect the 2.7MM estimate is rather high, as its the number thrown around by NGO's and their ~~propagandists~~ reporters for fund raising purposes.Granted malaria is a nasty disease, it's incurable, it's flair ups are irregular and incapacitating, and the afflicted live in primitive conditions where the loss of work can lead to an immediate lack of food and malnutrition. In wealthy countries, treatments from Quinine (Gin and TONIC anyone) to advanced drugs make the disease unpleasant but manageable and an earlier death than average.
Thus the best use of money is mosquito control, but the best, most effective control agent, DDT, was banned shortly after wealthier nations essentially eradicated their mosquito born diseases with it. So we know how to prevent and treat malaria to massively lower its annual death toll, but leftist, often Jewish run NGO's oppose the toxic and culturally imperialistic cures and treatments being imposed on sub Saharan Africans.
Seems odd to compare these deaths due to malicious and wilful waste of abundantly provided resources by virtue signalling compassion fascists and racketeers running the African NGO rackets with an as yet uncontrollable BioWeapon unleashed into unsuspecting and unprepared populations of innocent people.
Doesn't seem to be an apples to apples comparison.