National Association for Gun Rights:
The devil is in the details
My staff has obtained an initial draft of Tennessee Governor Lee's proposed "Constitutional Carry" bill, and it has me concerned.
You see, over the years of fighting for Constitutional Carry, we have seen and helped pass true Constitutional Carry bills…
…and sadly we have many faux "Constitutional Carry" bills pushed by the political establishment, chock full of compromises and just bad policy.
Unfortunately, the draft we received is NOT true Constitutional Carry and, in many ways, could actually make Tennessee's already confusing gun laws even more so.
True Constitutional Carry is simple and straightforward. If you can legally possess a pistol, you should be able to carry it openly or concealed, without a government permit.
But the current draft of the bill being floated around strangely links the "right" to carry without a permit with the ability to obtain an enhanced carry permit.
To start, this would effectively prohibit many military-aged young people and non-residents from carrying without a permit, putting Tennessee in the minority among Constitutional Carry states and set the table for future legal battles.
By linking it to the enhanced permit, gun owners looking to exercise their right to carry without a permit will be left confused on how to comply with Tennessee Code 39-17-1351(c) that talks about the application for getting an enhanced permit.
If the permit is no longer required to carry, why are lawmakers referencing code that discusses the requirements to apply for a permit?
It's just sloppy lawmaking that inevitably will get thrown to courts where the law will be butchered or, worse, get a gun owner thrown in jail.
Finally, many Tennesseans will be denied their right to carry without a permit because of the long list of disqualifiers that are more restrictive than federal law.
For example, people who have done the right thing and voluntarily sought treatment for addiction within three years would be denied their Constitutional right.
People who committed youthful non-violent indiscretions, but have long paid their debt to society, would be denied of the ability to carry without permit under this faux "Constitutional Carry" bill.
… I'm hoping that the draft we have is only an early working version of the bill and that what will finally be released will be true Constitutional Carry.
But with legislative leadership, the Governor's office, and the establishment gun lobby (who is working closely with both) being unresponsive, I have to be honest with you that it has me concerned.
Tennesseans deserve true Constitutional Carry, not a cheap knock off that is going to have to be fixed down the road.
That's why the National Association for Gun Rights is ready to launch an aggressive grassroots campaign to make sure Constitutional Carry gets passed correctly the first time.
TNanons, I mentioned the 'Constitutional Carry" bill being floated by (comp'd) Gov. Bill Lee a couple days ago. Make a little noise?