Energy Independence
One of the fastest ways to wipe out the Deep State, is Energy Independence!
It is easy to overlook such simple things, I can assure you, this does work! This works exactly as your Electric "Generator" works!
I have spent years working with Energy, researching the ease of Building Energy Machines. Its basically a learning thing, the rest is easy, just a little fiddling. the way you think about this is the key!
Independence will come from having your own Energy and knowledge is the path forward.
If you want to build your own Energy Machines, start by building these simple machines:
See the attached circuits.
Force if used in an Asymmetrical way for be counter balanced and therefore offset. Energy machines with much greater Output than Input can be achieved!
Visit: for more information.
Educate, its important for your future
I love my fellow human beings and love the planet we live on! We can only do this together! We must do this together! For all beings on this beautiful planet!
Energy Independence can help save us from the Deep State!