Anonymous ID: 9442c8 March 3, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.8309252   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When reading it, I get the feeling that the author is merely pretending to be a "globalist" for the purpose of constructing a fake demon and hide the identity of the actual perpetrators.


For example, it says, "Because without the protection and the surveillance of their original parents, it will be possible to definitively handicap these children in their psychological and moral development, and constitute, as a natural consequence, preys easily moldable to our globalist aims."


This is not something that a globalist would ever write. It describes the globalist project as malevolent, handicapping children and preying on them. People don't think of their own activities that way. They don't talk at length about how evil their plans are.


An actual participant in the Child Protective Services plot to destroy families would describe the influence of the family as harmful and superstitious and would describe the brainwashing they intend to impose on the children as "preparing them to fulfill their roles as global citizens".


This document praises what it purports to intend to destroy and demonizes its own purported project.


It also references the supposed "Judaeo-Christian" origins of our current society. Only Jews and fools think our society is Judeo-Christian. Judaism is tribal. Civilization is Christian.


So although this document may describe real plots against society, I think the plots are Jewish plots, like Soviet Communism was, and the document tries to represent Jews as fellow innocent victims of the plot alongside Christians.