>Jesus was a human who walked the earth 2,000 years ago. He was the Son of God just as you and I are; not God. But he posessed - and still posseses, a magnificant elevated SOUL.
Jesus Christ absolutely WAS and IS God. All of the truths have been written down and guarded for thousands of years; you cannot just twist it into a feel-good story to suit your purposes. Mary Magdalene was an ardent follower of Christ; there is no evidence that they had a romantic relationship. The Mary that anointed Jesus' feet with the perfume was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. She anointed him six days before the Passover, so there was no pain-relieving effect imbued. Judas, who was in charge of the money, not Paul was unhappy about the waste, because he would have profited.
From the Athanasian Creed:
Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right faith is, that we believe and confess, that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and man; God, of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and man of the substance of his mother, born in the world; perfect God and perfect man, of a rational soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching His godhead; and inferior to the Father, as touching His manhood; who, although He is God and man, yet he is not two, but one Christ; one, not by conversion of the godhead into flesh but by taking of the manhood into God; one altogether; not by confusion of substance, but by unity of person. For as the rational soul and flesh is one man, so God and man is one Christ; who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead. He ascended into heaven, He sits at the right hand of the Father, God Almighty, from whence He will come to judge the quick and the dead. At His coming all men will rise again with their bodies and shall give account for their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.
This is the catholic (universal) faith, which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved.