Anonymous ID: 4f384e March 3, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.8311845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1900

Super Tuesday State Electorates Rapidly Changed by Mass Immigration


The majority of Super Tuesday states, where 2020 Democrats presidential primary candidates are vying for delegates, have had their electorates rapidly changed by mass immigration to the United States over a relatively short period of time.


Today, Democrat primary voters are heading to the polls to cast their ballots for any of the remaining presidential primary candidates, which include former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).


The electorates of Super Tuesday states — including California, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Colorado, Tennessee, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Utah, Maine, and Vermont — have quickly changed due to the nation’s importation of about 1.2 million legal immigrants every year.


Those legal immigrants secure green cards and can, within five years, apply to become naturalized citizens, which gives them local, state, and federal voting rights so long as they are 18 or older. Legal immigrants have nearly doubled their eligible voting population since 2000, with now more than 23 million foreign-born voters eligible to vote.


In the next 20 years, the nation’s legal immigration system, if unchanged, is expected to add about 15 million new foreign-born voters to the American electorate. Roughly seven to eight million of those foreign-born voters will have arrived through the process known as “chain migration,” whereby newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S.




California, the state most changed by legal immigration, has an electorate wherein one-in-five eligible voters are foreign-born — the highest foreign-born voting population in the country. In total, about 5.5 million foreign-born voters are eligible to vote in California, making up 21 percent of the total state electorate.


Across California, the foreign-born population has grown by 4.2 million residents since 1990, with close to 11 million foreign-born residents now residing in the state. Today, foreign-born residents in California — primarily from Mexico, Central America, and China — account for almost 27 percent of the state’s population.


Nearly 50 percent of California’s foreign-born residents are Latino or Hispanic, a demographic group that has helped Democrats sweep elections, even in former staunchly-Republican districts like Orange County, California. Another 34.4 percent of California’s foreign-born residents are Asian.


In Orange County, as the Los Angeles Times reported, registered Democrats now outnumber registered Republicans due to “changing demographics” driven almost exclusively by legal immigration….

Anonymous ID: 4f384e March 3, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.8312309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Only Thing Dems Have to Offer Is Fear Itself


The plunge is based on fear, courtesy of Democrats and the media (sorry to be redundant), not so much on market fundamentals. Sure, supply chains can be interrupted, just as they can from tariffs and trade deals, but those didn’t tank the market. Would the media be reacting the same with a President Obama or Clinton dealing with a viral threat? Fat chance. Instead the media would be calm and reasoned, just as President Trump was.

—Rahm Emmanuel said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Stoking fear takes full advantage of an exaggerated crisis.

—As to following the money, short sellers made a fortune this past week. Any names come to mind? George Soros made a cool billion in 1992 by shorting the British Pound. I wonder if his fingerprints are anywhere near this week’s market plunge.


The mysterious Q group has a special interest in Mr. Soros, including his connections to Ukraine, John McCain, Antifa, and Spygate. So much so that they have “a special place picked out for” him. Perhaps we may learn how much Mr. Soros made this past week? And who and what organizations and candidates he funds

—What a convenient way to replenish dwindling Democrat campaign coffers. And distract from a catastrophic primary campaign which has two bad outcomes – nomination of a socialist to run against President Trump, or a Democrat establishment coup to steal the nomination from the socialist, splitting the Democrat party.

—Trump is riding high in the polls, with his monthly approval up, according to Rasmussen, after the Democrat impeachment face plant. Desperate times call for desperate measures. What could be better than a stew of virus, crisis, and fear, stirred by the hair-on-fire media, driving the stock market down, all in an attempt to prevent President Trump’s reelection.

—But that’s all the left has to offer. Their political ideas are garbage, just listen to any Democrat debate. The Democrat House has accomplished nothing this past year other than turning Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler into household names, but not in a good way.

Also remember that fear can work in Trump’s favor too. During the fear mongering, the President announced he will nominate Rep John Ratcliffe to be Director of National Intelligence. Coronavirus is also the perfect argument to secure the border and limit who can come to the US and from where. Now that Coronavirus is in Mexico, Democrats will have hard time opposing Trump’s southern border wall

—Coronavirus will eventually pass. Apple CEO Tim Cook is optimistic, "It feels to me that China is getting the coronavirus under control. You look at the numbers, they're coming down day by day by day. I'm very optimistic there."

—So is the New England Journal of Medicine, saying in an editorial, “Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).”

—Like every past effort to undermine President Trump, Coronavirus fear too will fail, at the same time exposing Democrat and media creating panic to eliminate trillions of dollars of savings of the same Americans whose votes they want. All because they can’t accept the 2016 election result.

—That’s all Democrats have to offer. Fear. Good luck selling that against President Trump’s optimism__

Remember the best is yet to come