I might have missed, but has it already been noted this guy is "Mr. Miyagi"? Totally fucking with us. Cover story is total bs.
Landed in Cleveland.
I did see that, but point was Mr. Miyagi is the old guy from Karate Kid.
Wax on, this is not a test, wax off
Possible. Expand your thinking. It's quite plausible many, if not all the victims were digital creations, just like Adam Lanza.
Google Vicsims. There's a group who put a lot of research into investigating the victims. Some of them definitely seem fake. Photoshopped, images flips, no messages on tribute pages, and other anomalies..meanwhile some of the families of the "heroes" from the fiction are getting rich. Don't forget you can't make cell phone calls from Airplanes as the media tried to tell us. Unless you were there, how do you know there were really planes that hit/crashed at any of the sites? It's pretty damn obvious Pentagon and Shanksville were not planes. Perhaps the same was the case at the towers, unless someone saw with their own eyes. All the media footage was the same. Plane(s) just disappeared into the towers. No black boxes, but they find Attas passport in perfect conditon within an hour of the crash? riiiiiggght.
The towers were clearly controlled (mostly) demolitions. Expand your thinking. 99.9% of us only saw what the media showed us….and they told us Bldg 7 fell before it actually fell.
From the Fed's printing press? sounds about right
looks like Milo in drag
Jesus Christ. Search Depleted Uranium babies.
Graphic warning….be prepared for what you'll find.
Talk about war crimes. Fucking sickening.
Makes waterboarding and other crimes look like a good time.
I have no doubts they don't care about people or collateral damage, but they probably had sims to up the body count and make good stories for the press. There's just so many suspicious things around the event. Like Larry's insurance policy. Bush meeting with a Bin laden. etc etc
Honestly, when I first heard about it that am. I expected 30-50,000 dead. It's pretty amazing it was only 3000.
Yes I've heard there were contradictions. There were also handoffs on the radar above/near military bases on the flight paths where a real plane (radio controlled) could have been switched out…with explosives on board…or a missle…who knows. I could believe anything at this point.
Why don't they just 7/10 him and be done with it.
Remember Paul Bremmer too. He was supposed to be at the Target point that day and ends up on CNN the rest of the day instead and months later is in charge of Iraq (ambassador). Lucky Larry has a bullshit story too about going to see a Dr at his wife's behest instead of being at ground zero.