Anonymous ID: 269fb1 March 3, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.8312994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3089


She annoyed the Liberal preacher.

He actaully said she should shut - up and that was weeks ago.

I can't tell them apart, they are all donkeys to me

" donkeys are all alike,

they only have different names. "

Anonymous ID: 269fb1 March 3, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.8313089   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yesh, I think all that is the reason the whole truth may be hid from most.

The Deep State used the Islam arabs much like they used ATIFA youth.

Not sure if "Obama" played "Osama" a few times here and there for keks?

They really look alike, but not in all photos. Osama had almost as many doubles / actors as HRC?

but how did they fix the alleged height difference? People just aren't paying a whole lot of attention.

I wonder what their purpose in that was?

Just moar laughs for them. Love to "do it" right out in public- gives them a kick?

Nobody thought it was strange it took so long to (allegedly) finally get ObL? And in 2001 he was on kidney dialysis; Intel officers met with him while in hospital. Yet it's calimed he's hiding out in caves?! Langley wrtiers are shitty. All this is open source public knowledge.

People believe anything.

I feel sure that the feeling of our soldiers who saw young men give their lives for what they thought was our Country/ our Freedom will be protected.

Doubtful any of this will be public knowledge for a while. Except for those who care to know and to find it out.