it is 12
so a little genetic Finnish humour perhaps?
two married anons have five little anons, all (F), 2 blonde both with green grey eyes, 1 strawberry with light blue eyes, 1 light brown with light blue, 1 true brunette with green. so these five are the manifestation of
male anon not adopted, ancestry by birth records, 25% Connemara
25% Caithness, %10 Angelesy, 40% Lancashire, born in England, blonde hair, gray eyes.
female anon adopted ancestry unknown born Manchester (coincidence) New Hampshire, light brown hair, green eyes. does a DNA test. turns out anon is 50% Finnish, from southern Lapland and family is right there and 50% French, French Canadians from Brittany (1611) 100% pure they have all been in-touch it's amazingly beautiful.
children all start learning Finnish and want to go to Finland etc.
male anon under pressure decides to allow a DNA test and
the results were 90% English (northern, they claim, which is accurate, since 1432 by parish record, deed and taxes) 8% German and 2% Swedish.
no mention of anything elseโฆsoโฆwell I suppose they have folded
everything into English but the point of this build up is that our youngest child who is totally obsessed with her Finnish DNA took one look at the 2% Swedish DNA and with and said, archly,
"Oh you're a cuck, dad."
oh my sides