Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.8313510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3521

Early AM Saturday (US), the board was hit with a DDOS attack, and you can see the results in the graphic. Up to a certain point, post after post has a distinct clearnet ID. After that point, every post has ID 000000. You get this ID if you post from TOR. Multiple different posters end up with the same ID.

I put a red line on the graphic where the shift occurs.


Ask yourself a simple question: does the fact that the attack occurred JUST after this post COUNT AS EVIDENCE that it was prompted by this post?

It may be defeasible evidence, and it is certainly not definitive proof, but it sure does count as evidence, right?


But why might the board be attacked RIGHT THERE? Posts believe might give some answers, but the simple answer is that I think the Anon post in question had the potential to break the bigger picture wide open by pointing to a wide range of interconnections. It connected: 1) a line of inquiry about t-shirt comms at rallies that that anon and others had been looking into, 2) some big picture comm connections in the embedded video (by a different anon I think), and 3) a wide range of comms centered on Feb 21 that I had posted above in the bread.


My set of posts was a followup to a set I had posted several days prior:

>>8260752 (pb) (1st set)

>>8281309 (pb) (2nd set)

These posts outlined multiple possible comms, mostly distinct, that seemed to center on: 1) the 2/21 Las Vegas rally, 2) the vid of the rally posted by POTUS (with "glitches"), and 3) possible unsigned comms in Q Research General #10508: Nothing Can Stop What is Coming, Nothing! Edition (which seemed "marked" by the vid)


Bread #10508:

Anon reply to 2nd set:

>>8281508 (pb)

Embedded vid:


I have no knowledge of the anon who replied to me, nor had I ever seen the vid before, but both have good connections that I'll build on below. The video is really quite good and uses the format to explore possible connections in a powerful but understated way.


The DDOS effectively blocked any of this from gaining traction in the given bread but I have sought to put the days since then to good use.


(Since I don't have anything to add at the moment, I'm dropping Q3858 here. Multiple Anons noted that the filename suggested Great Awakening, 2/21, and the vid mentions that too.)

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.8313521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3536 >>3622


Before diving into the connections from other anons, I'll go back to the final and maybe most surprising point in my second set of posts. I didn't fully flesh it out because I wanted to see if any anons would "catch" what I was getting at before I spelled it out. Check these two successive posts:

>>8281421 (pb)

>>8281428 (pb)

No one took a shot since everyone got focused on the DDOS.

Since then I found two interesting (but slightly simpler) cases of what I was getting at.

The first cap is from later in the same bread. I think it is Q team.

>>8282021 (pb)

Here is the image download link:

Does it look odd?

Here is a link that I "constructed" and tested after seeing that post:

Same thing, from a later bread (2nd cap):

>>8294092 (pb)

I looked at the download link:

Then "constructed" this link:

It got me an image that I downloaded and then posted (3rd cap):

>>8294736 (pb)

What's different?

Presumably you'll see the same result right here, as I'm posting the two larger images I got from the "constructed" links...


Does it not appear that someone has posted images named with the "wrong" 8kun hash filename? And it doesn't seem accidental, since the hashes are names for different versions of the same image? (And if I have made some subtle error here, please explain precisely what it is...)

If I am right, then the "immediate" point of this trickery is that Q team seems to "sign" the original version of the White Squall meme in ##10508 by giving it a filename that is clearly absurd (if you pay attention) and quite unlikely to happen by chance.

>>8207830 (pb)


Note: I am NOT an "expert" on how the 8kun server works, or servers at all. I did once set up a local server on my machine to use a piece of software that strangely required it, but I was following a guide - that gives you a good sense of my knowledge in this realm... not the bottom, not the top. What I am doing here is trying to actively reason about topics where I grant that I am partially ignorant... the same thing we do every day in trying to actively reason about Q-related topics...

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.8313536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3553


The video is a Trump ad from last week that shows the same Asian woman wearing two different Q related shirts at 0:55 and 1:11 (= 71s). Multiple anons have posted on related topics but I think there might be some bigger picture getting lost. I haven't had time to dig deeper on this so I'm just posting some of the links (second is mine)


>>8270337 (pb) Q shirt at 0:55 in Trump ad (pic posted)

>>8281322 (pb) Q shirt in Trump ad linked to Vegas rally, huge file size of YT cap noted (image reposted here with no alterations)

>>8281508 (pb) Anon reply to above, multiple t-shirt comments

>>8281456 (pb) Anon looks at surrounding people

>>8281004 (pb) Anon catches same woman twice in ad

>>8281015 (pb) Anon recalls Q2302 with mention of "two shirts"


Just a few additional points... one of the shirts was the Durham boat shirt, and Q emphasized the Durham boat in several posts from last month.

Also, the "two shirts" in Q2302 could also related to the bearded guy who helped carry the vet. He obviously had a 17 shirt in that scene but was "forced" to change it. But doesn't this just highlight the fact that this is all staged, and they knew perfectly well about the 17 shirt?


Not sure exactly how this connects to my other posts here beyond the fact that I think a ton of connections are getting missed...


(Here's one I noticed as I was reviewing this... the timestamp on the screenshot posted ends in 844... check Q844... 4 BOOMS on... Mar 5!)

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.8313553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3557


OK… I'll jump to some ideas I picked up by watching the vid posted:


As I mentioned… really good vid. Using many simple techniques and putting them together to create a whole that really makes the video format WORK as its own thing. Well, go watch it.


But here I'll just focus on one pickup that I can run with…


To start though… the vid makes a connection between the boat painting and White Squall and the Titanic, which POTUS mentions at the Vegas Rally. (And I'll just drop this one in… that looks like a pink rose… doesn't Q point to the film Titanic in Q142… where the female lead is named…Rose?)


Anyway… I saw Anons post this Ivanka pic and didn't know where to go with since I was working on this other stuff… also related to Feb 21. But the vid delves into Q2347 ("the picture will be the signifier") and that reminded me of something… to be exact, Q1581. But that really goes with 1582 and 1583, so I'm putting them all together.


Now…put aside the Ivanka pic for the moment. What did it seem like when Q dropped 1581 and then the rest? It seemed like Q was saying it was up to POTUS to "reveal" the "reality" of Q… and then when POTUS points at VIPAnon at the rally, it seems like this is what is happening. And that's especially true when you put it together with Q2347, where VIPAnon recounts his meeting with POTUS. (See the vid… the tweet is now misssing and can't find my cap of this… my files are a mess…) VIPAnon pretty much "asked the Q" and pretty much got the answer that we know is true, right? But the Fake News Media doesn't report that does it? I mean, if "Q" is a "crazy conspiracy theory" why don't they try to nail him on that…?


Anyway, I got to thinking on Q1581. Ivanka is posting a picture, right? And VIPAnon is in "the picture" drop, Q2347? And Q1581 is also about VIPAnon and says "We serve at the pleasure of the President…" What is Ivanka waiting for? She's got the bread… thank you baker… but she's waiting to get SERVED! They need the entree!


The picture will be the signifier… we serve at the pleasure of the president…


But… in the picture it seems that the SERVICE is coming very soon…


Muh double meanings… I suspect someone is about to get served a double dose of SPECIAL PLACE!

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.8313557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3562 >>3566 >>3586


OK, here's another one where I build on ideas from that vid… figured it makes more sense in a graphic.


As I mentioned… didn't know where to go with "Gone with the Wind" when POTUS mentioned at Vegas rally, but saw Anon JFK catch and then delved further… but still didn't have any angle on FBI twat so said PASS…


But Tron vid here:

works that in and also nice Titanic angles so…


Makes me think of Frost poem:


Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.


Apparently that is based on Dante's Inferno…

9 circles of Hell…

In the 9th Circle… TRAITORS.

Marker [9]?

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.8313658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3701


It makes not the slightest difference who made either of these memes… well it does, since they are both pretty good, but that's a different issue.

If you have a specific question about the precise reasoning I offered please ask it.


If you don't understand something and don't even know how to precisely ask about your confusion: LURK MOAR!

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.8313701   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Obviously, altering even a pixel will result in a completely different hash filename.

But that is totally irrelevant to the observable phenomenon that I am describing above.

Test for yourself: multiple files have been posted while named with hash filenames of DIFFERENT image files. Why?

There is NO QUESTION that this has happened.

If you dislike my explanation, why not offer an alternative?

Anonymous ID: 67555e March 3, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.8313758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3808


I'd lay my bet on this being Q team shilling in order to provoke a reasoned response.

FUD is a computer industry term for doing exactly what this post seems to be trying to do.

I suspect it is actually carefully designed to get me to respond in an intelligent way.