Anonymous ID: aeb3e7 March 3, 2020, 8:21 p.m. No.8313598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3731

Acting spy chief Richard Grenell plans to resign ambassadorship if John Ratcliffe confirmed as DNI


Newly appointed acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell said he will step down as ambassador to Germany if the Senate confirms Rep. John Ratcliffe to take on the spy chief role permanently. “Yes, it’s true. We were planning on coming home soon,” Grenell confirmed to the Daily Wire, which reported he was planning on leaving the post in the spring but had agreed to stay on until a permanent DNI could be confirmed. He informed the White House of his decision after Ratcliffe was renominated last week.


Grenell has been the top U.S. envoy in Germany since May 2018. He was picked to be acting director of national intelligence just two weeks ago, taking over after the departure of Joseph Maguire. In the role, Grenell became the first openly gay man to hold a Cabinet position. He quickly requested to review intelligence, which an official familiar with the matter told the Washington Examiner is a completely straightforward and typical move of a new director of national intelligence. Grenell also brought in Kash Patel, a National Security Council aide who was previously an aid to the House Intelligence Committee's Devin Nunes, to be a senior adviser. Trump's eldest son Donald Trump Jr. backed the appointment, calling Grenell '"an amazing choice."


But, from the beginning, it was evident that the new role would be short-lived. Grenell said on the day he became acting DNI that he would not be nominated to take on the job permanently. Democrats had raised concerns about Grenell being a political appointee without sufficient background in intelligence. President Trump announced last week he was renominating Ratcliffe to be his permanent director of national intelligence, months after the Texas Republican dropped from consideration. Trump sent the nomination to the Senate on Monday.

Anonymous ID: aeb3e7 March 3, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.8313749   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>Acting spy chief Richard Grenell plans to resign ambassadorship if John Ratcliffe confirmed as DNI


>Thou doest protest to much. What's in Grenells globalist closet.


Couldn't agree moar..

Anonymous ID: aeb3e7 March 3, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.8313786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo rips UN ‘so-called Human Rights Council’ as ‘anti-Semitic’


The Trump administration, already warning that it wants to slash its payments to the United Nations, this week fired a direct shot at the group's anti-Israel and “anti-Semitic” trend led by an agency that has put U.S. firms that do business with the Jewish state on a hit list. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is leading the effort and announced a new policy to defend those firms against the “U.N.’s so-called ‘Human Rights Council' and the high commissioner, Michelle Bachelet.”


In his Monday night address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Pompeo urged American companies to tell the State Department when they are targeted so that the administration can take action and keep U.S. investments to Israel flowing. “Don’t be intimidated. If you are being subjected to intimidation or harassment because of this database, let America know. And the United States will respond to take actions against members of our business community that are being threatened by this release that was so sorely mistaken,” he said to cheers. He was blunt in slamming the Human Rights Council, calling its new database of companies doing business with Israel an arm of the so-called BDS movement, the Palestinian-backed “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” effort. “For those of you who are watching, the council recently released a database of companies doing business in East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank. That release from the United Nations only serves to facilitate the BDS movement and delegitimize Israel,” he said. Pompeo added, “How sad. I remember reading it after its release. This is an organization that was set up to ensure that no people ever again faced horrors like the Jews faced during the Holocaust, and it is now anti-Semitic.”


The U.N. has been on Pompeo’s list for a while, and this year, the administration proposed substantial funding cuts, though it’s unclear if Congress will go along. In his support for investing in Israel, the secretary said that “we share your frustration.” But, he added, there will be no wavering of support. “We will stand for a strong, free, democratic, and prosperous Middle East and a prosperous Israel at the heart of that Middle East. The more the Middle East embraces Israel, the brighter the future will be. It’s really quite simple,” he said.

Anonymous ID: aeb3e7 March 3, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.8313838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike Bloomberg reassessing campaign after brutal Super Tuesday defeats, reports say


WASHINGTON — Mike Bloomberg’s White House bid may be on the brink. The billionaire ex-Big Apple mayor will reassess his mega-bucks campaign after a brutal showing in Super Tuesday races, his first appearance on the ballot, according to multiple reports.


Despite dropping a staggering $500 million of his vast personal fortune on the race, Bloomberg, 78, barely rated at the polling booths in early Super Tuesday states — only clinching victory in the tiny US territory of American Samoa. According to NBC News and The Associated Press, Bloomberg campaign officials will deliberate over whether he should stay in the race after the disappointing results in multiple states before deciding whether to continue on Wednesday.


Bloomberg, the billionaire founder of Bloomberg LP, made waves when he entered the race in late November and decided to snub early states — appearing on the ballot for the first time on Super Tuesday. He spent heavily in states such as Oklahoma, Arkansas and Tennessee but was still beat by former veep Joe Biden who ran on a shoestring campaign and whose campaign appeared all but dead until moderates began rapidly coalescing around him on Monday. But Bloomberg campaign manager Kevin Sheekey insisted on Fox News Radio that “everyday the campaign is re-evaluating.”

Anonymous ID: aeb3e7 March 3, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.8313911   🗄️.is 🔗kun



> I thought obamacare was the cure for all our healthcare needs.


>of course I've yet to find a local insurance rep who has a medical degree or doctor on staff.


Didn't you get the newsletter..your local IRS agent will be happy to help, kek