Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.8313934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Killed In Small Plane Crash In Georgia


OCONEE COUNTY, Georgia – First responders were on the scene of a plane crash Tuesday in the town of Bishop, Georgia.


The aircraft, a Piper PA-46, went down near Elder and Maxey Roads around 4:30 p.m. local time.


Officials say all three people on-board were killed. There were no injuries on the ground.


The plane was headed to Alabama from South Carolina. The FAA is investigating.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.8313962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Suicides surge among UK army vets from Afghan mission

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.8313989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4227

IDF general met with Netanyahu after visit to coronavirus-stricken Italy


IDF operations chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva returned from Italy last month and met with the prime minister before the Health Ministry required self-quarantine


An Israeli general who was later instructed to enter self-quarantine following a visit to Italy met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior officials last week.


The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that the officer, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, the head of the IDF Operations Directorate, returned to Israel some 12 days ago from a personal trip to Italy, which has seen a high incidence of the COVID-19 disease.


On February 23, he took part in a high-level security consultation with Netanyahu, Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, IDF chief Aviv Kohavi and other senior security officials during Israel’s two-day battle with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group, as seen in a video of the meeting, distributed by the Defense Ministry.


Three days later, on February 26, the Health Ministry announced it was requiring all those returning from Italy and a number of other countries with the coronavirus to quarantine themselves. According to the IDF, Haliva immediately isolated himself in his home, where he has remained since. He was due to end his quarantine later this week.


Netanyahu would not have to enter self-quarantine due to his interactions with Haliva, as the Health Ministry currently only requires such a measure if a person has been in contact with someone who contracted the disease, not someone who is required to self-quarantine as in the case of Haliva.


Netanyahu did not shake hands with Haliva during the meeting or have any other physical contact with him.


The prime minister seemingly stopped shaking people’s hands in late February while campaigning.


A video published by the Kan broadcaster of a visit to Hebron on February 24, showed him bowing instead of grasping the hands of well-wishers.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.8313995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4303

23 Iran MPs & Head Of Emergency Medical Services Confirmed For Coronavirus


Iran now officially confirms at least 2,336 coronavirus cases and 77 dead, while members of parliament have been hit hard. Tehran officials have now revealed that 23 parliament members have been confirmed for the virus, suggesting much bigger numbers of infected nationwide, after multiple reports alleged the Islamic Republic is hiding its true numbers, or at least refusing to test.


On that note the country is bracing itself for the possibility of “tens of thousands” getting tested and possibly being confirmed for the virus after the latest spike in cases, an official said previously.


And after a week ago the country's deputy Iran's deputy health minister tested positive, another top health official, the head of the nation's emergency medical services, has been confirmed for Covid-19.


Reuters reports, "The head of Iran’s emergency medical services, Pirhossein Kolivand, has been infected with coronavirus, the ILNA news agency reported on Tuesday." The statement cited that Kolivand’s “health is good and there is no need for concern,” according to ILNA.


Iran has the highest death toll and confirmed infection rate outside of China, Covid-19's epicenter and believed point of origin.


As of Tuesday Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered the armed forces to assist Health Ministry in combating the spread, which has at this point even threatened leaders in Tehran, given the vice president was infected and a former top ambassador has died.


It's as yet unclear what role national troops could play, but Fox News reports hundreds of thousands could be mobilized:


After downplaying the coronavirus as recently as last week, Iranian authorities now say they have plans to potentially mobilize 300,000 soldiers and volunteers to confront the virus.


Thus far the other worst hit country nearby has been the United Arab Emirates, a regional business hub and key transit point between the West and Asia. At the start of this week it reported 21 cases, and authorities had recently locked down two Abu Dhabi hotels on suspicion that a guest had it.


The region's largest airline, Emirates, has also greatly reduced flights and in many instances has had to ground planes altogether.


Meanwhile, previously unscathed Saudi Arabia and Jordan announced their first cases of Covid-19 Monday. The Saudis have lately taken unprecedented measures to ensure it keeps the virus out of the kingdom, including canceling and blocking all visas for religious tourists, which will impact this summer's scheduled annual Haj pilgrimage.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.8313997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Exclusion zone & aviation ALERT triggered as Indonesia’s most active volcano violently erupts


Indonesia’s most active volcano, Mount Merapi, erupted without warning early on Tuesday for the second time in a month, sending column of ash 6km (20,000ft) into the sky and blanketing nearby communities with ash and dust.


Authorities issued the highest aviation alert, telling pilots to avoid the area, while also establishing a 3km (1.8-mile) exclusion zone established around the volcano, amid the threat of lava and pyroclastic flows. Eyewitness footage from the scene shows the full extent of nature’s wrath.


The initial eruption reportedly lasted for almost eight full minutes and the nearby Solo city international airport was shut down temporarily as a precaution despite being 40km away from the volcano.


There were no casualties or damage reported and apparently, local residents are brushing it off as ‘just another eruption’.


“Residents are monitoring the situation, although they are going about their daily activities as per normal,” said Klakah village head Marwoto.


The last eruption at Merapi took place on February 13, and coated the entire landscape in ash for a time.


“As with previous instances, today’s eruption was not preceded by clear precursors,” said the geological center BPPTKG.


The volcano’s last major eruption in 2010 claimed over 300 lives and forced the evacuation of roughly 280,000 people.


Indonesia is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, a huge area of seismic and volcanic instability where tectonic plates collide leading to monstrous earthquakes and destructive volcanic eruptions.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:38 p.m. No.8314004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Russia ‘strongly rejects’ UN Commission allegations of war crimes in Syria, says inquiry was ‘one-sided’


The Kremlin has dismissed allegations by the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria that the Russian military may have carried out war crimes in Syria last year, accusing the investigation of not being objective.


Russia rejects any accusations of war crimes, because they were made immediately after terrorists started their offensive against Syrian troops in Idlib, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.


"It's obvious that no committee could get reliable information of what was happening on the ground."


Peskov branded the report “one-sided,” adding that terrorists’ actions are not taken into account.


On Monday, the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria published its report covering the period between 11 July, 2019 and 10 January, 2020. It described several cases which allegedly involved Russian jets operating in Syria. The Commission stated that in “each of the incidents the Russian Air Force did not direct the attacks at a specific military objective," amounting to war crimes.


The Russian military is operating in Syria in agreement with Damascus forces, as it is conducting an operation to drive terrorists from the country.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.8314011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4146 >>4209

VIDEO Erdogan framed Turkish military offensive as religious war

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.8314019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4548 >>4604 >>4649

Germany: AfD leader injured in arson attack


AfD leader Tino Chrupalla was injured during an arson attack on his car on Monday night. Enemies of Chrupalla set fire to his Volkswagen Caddy that was parked on his property in Görlitz, a town in eastern Germany not far from the Polish border.


When attempting to put the fire out, the AfD leader – who last November was nominated by Alexander Gauland to replace him as co-chairman – inhaled toxic fumes and had to be treated at the hospital for several hours for smoke poisoning, German weekly newspaper Junge Freiheit reports.


“Despite the sharpness of the political debate, it is a direct attack on my family. That exceeds all conceivable limits. This escalation must stop,” Chrupalla told German media.


When asked how was doing following the brazen attack, he replied: “Badly.”


Police spokeswoman Katharina Korch said that state police have started to investigate the arson attack as a possible “politically motivated act”.


Alexander Dierks, the Secretary General of the Saxony CDU, condemned the attack on Twitter, saying: “Violence is never a means of political debate.”


He added there was never an excuse for such attacks.


In Germany, politicians from the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) party are more frequently violently attacked than politicians from any other party.


Between October and December of 2019, 112 attacks on offices or facilities of parties represented in German parliament were recorded by the Federal Government. Of those 112 attacks, more than half (62) of the attacks were carried out against the AfD. According to the criminal police service, 58 of the attacks were motivated by leftists.


Furthermore, 87 of the 202 attacks on party representatives or members of a political party in Germany were carried out against the AfD, with 78 crimes seen as politically motivated by the police, according to the Federal Government’s figures.


Last December, Voice of Europe reported of left-wing extremists in Heilbronn, Germany threatening to murder Christina Baum, an AfD MP.


The month before that, Voice of Europe reported on numerous death threats that the son of an AfD politician in Berlin had received from three of his classmates in Berlin-Biesdorf.


Last August, an AfD party official in Krefeld, Germany had his car set ablaze by hooded assailants.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.8314022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4035 >>4209 >>4548 >>4604 >>4649

GOP Rep. Devin Nunes hits Washington Post with $250M lawsuit for publishing 'falsehoods' about him


'…severely impugns [Nunes's] integrity and prejudices him'


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, filed a massive $250 million defamation lawsuit on Monday against the Washington Post and intelligence reporter Shane Harris.


Last month, the Post claimed Nunes went to the White House to personally tell President Donald Trump about an intelligence briefing given to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) by top intel official Shelby Pierson regarding Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election.


The newspaper also claimed that Trump was angry at acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire because he learned about the meeting through Nunes.


But according to Nunes, the Post's claims are "falsehoods." In fact, the lawsuit claims it was impossible for Nunes to have met with Trump to discuss the classified briefing when the Post claimed the meeting happened because Nunes was in Oklahoma at the time.


The lawsuit states:


Devin Nunes never told the President or anyone else that Shelby Pierson had given an exclusive briefing to Schiff.


Devin Nunes did not meet or speak with the President on February 13, 2020 – the day of the "classified hearing" - or on February 14, 2020, and never conveyed to him any indication that Schiff was given an exclusive assessment of Russian actions.


In fact, WaPo and Harris knew that Devin Nunes was in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on February 14, 2020 for a breakfast hosted by the Republican Party of Tulsa County .


The lawsuit adds, "Devin Nunes did not say or do anything to 'ruin' Maguire's chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief Maguire's term was already due to expire pursuant to Federal Law on March 11, 2020."


The lawsuit claims the "WaPo hit piece" imputes to Nunes "criminal conduct" and "dishonesty, deceit, sharp and unethical practices, and independently actionable tortious acts, all of which severely impugns [Nunes's] integrity and prejudices him in the performance of his duties as a United States Congressman."


The lawsuit goes on to accuse the Post of publishing the story "in concert with House Democrats" in order to "impugn" Nunes' "reputation and undermine his relationship with the President."


The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Richmond and seeks a total of $250,350,000 in damages, plus prejudgement interest. Nunes is requesting a jury trial.


In response, the Post said it will defend its reporter and story.


"The Post stands behind the reporting of Shane Harris and his colleagues We will vigorously defend our work against the claims made in Rep. Nunes's lawsuit," Kris Coratti Kelly, the newspaper's VP of communications, told the Washington Examiner.


Nunes promised the lawsuit less than two weeks ago. In December, he also sued CNN for $435 million over what he characterized as a "demonstrably false hit piece."

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:42 p.m. No.8314025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4029 >>4209 >>4548 >>4604 >>4649

Just 3 Out Of 260 Harvard Faculty Members Plan To Vote Trump: Survey


Out of 260 Harvard Arts and Sciences faculty member respondents, only three faculty members said they plan to vote for President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election, a survey of faculty shows.


A survey conducted by the Harvard Crimson found that 44% of faculty surveyed said they would vote for former Harvard Law School professor Sen. Elizabeth Warren.


Only 20% of the faculty surveyed said they would vote for 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and only three out of 260 respondents said the would vote for Trump.


The poll also found that the majority of Harvard faculty identify as either very liberal or liberal: 38.4% of those surveyed identified as very liberal, 41.3% identified as liberal, 18.9% identified as moderate, and a mere 1.46% identified as conservative.


The survey closed before the Feb. 28 South Carolina primary, which former vice president Joe Biden won.


The Crimson’s polling comes as multiple Democratic candidates drop out of the presidential race and endorse Biden ahead of Super Tuesday. Former 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke also endorsed the former vice president Monday.


The paper conducted the poll in late February through a 74 question anonymous survey distributed to more than 1,000 members of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences between Feb. 20 and Feb. 27.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.8314031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4548 >>4604 >>4649

Woman ‘Rushed’ Into Gender Reassignment as a Teen Suing NHS


A woman given gender reassignment therapy as a teen is suing the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for having “rushed” her into the treatment.


“I wanted to go onto the medical pathway as soon as possible, I was very eager and I was very reluctant about speaking to anyone who would possibly get in the way of that,” Keira Bell explained to Sky News.


But after being “rushed” into gender reassignment after “roughly three” short sessions with “no real investigation” into any other underlying mental health problems, she came to realise she was not a boy “born in the wrong body” after all, and that her gender identity crisis had only been a “coping mechanism” for deeper issues.


“I just realised that it hadn’t worked after a few years,” she recalled.


“I just went into like a menopause-like state and everything just kind of shut down.


“I felt drained and tired and had nothing but negative effects from it really, I didn’t have a good experience with it at all.


“I think the depression kicked in a bit more because I was without any hormones in my body, especially at such a young age when it’s supposed to be at such a peak.


“It’s very detrimental to someone and the psychological and the brain effects I think are completely understudied as well,” she said.


The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, as the National Health Service’s main hub for “treating” people with gender dysphoria, has become somewhat infamous in recent years, with the number of patients it receives rising from a few dozens to more than 2,000 over the last ten years.


Research by Sky News suggerts that at least 35 psychologists have resigned from the service over a three-year period, fearing “young people are being over-diagnosed and then over-medicalised”.


“We are extremely concerned about the consequences for young people… For those of us who previously worked in the service, we fear that we have had front row seats to a medical scandal,” said one source.


The concerned psychologists said professionals feel powerless to resist putting children on the so-called medical pathway for treatment, including powerful hormones, for fear of being branded “transphobic”.


Sky News insists, however, that “most gender reassignment stories are positive.”

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.8314040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4057 >>4209

GERMANY: Film Depicts Adult Man In A Relationship With A 10-Year-Old Robot. People Walk Out Of Screenings.


A sci-fi film out of Germany has sparked controversy and severe backlash for depicting a relationship between an adult man and a 10-year-old robot designed to resemble his daughter. The outrage has prompted walkouts at several of the film’s screenings.


“Titled ‘Trouble With Being Born,’ the film is programmed as part of Berlinale 2020, the annual film festival held in Berlin, Germany,” reports the Independent. “In the film, the child-like android, played by Lena Watson, 10, is seen calling her owner ‘Daddy.'”


Though the movie features no graphic depiction of sex between the man and the girl sexbot, the implications are clear.


“The android role was originally written for a 20-year-old actor, but after removing some of the more explicit elements, director Sandra Wollner decided to cast a child,” continued the report.


People on Twitter have objected to the film as “pedophile propaganda” while certain outlets like The Hollywood Reporter (THR) have hailed it for its artistic merits, even going so far to call it a “hidden gem”. Wolner told the outlet she meant the film to be an antithesis to “Pinnochio” or Steven Spielberg’s “AI.”


“What I found interesting about it is that we have an android whose only desires are the ones you program it to have,” she said. “I found it fascinating to show the perspective of the world through this machine that does not judge and does not care, and doesn’t need the meanings that we do.”


Regarding the nude scenes featuring the 10-year-old robot, Wolner says they were created using CGI and permission from the young actress’s family. More from THR:


Looking for Elli was — perhaps obviously — slightly removed from your average casting call, the filmmakers not merely wanting someone who suited the part but also a child, Wollner says, that “came from a healthy environment,” with the sort of open-minded family who would understand the story they wanted to tell and also allow them to do it. In the end, she says it was “pure luck” in finding Watson, whose parents were known by a friend of a friend.


“We had really honest talks with the family, who were there during the shoot. It was very open, very transparent. And of course we talked to [Watson] about the film in a very child-appropriate way.”


Understandably, the few nude scenes were all created via VFX with Watson in a bikini and covered in dots (“Of course we didn’t have a minor running around naked,” says Wollner). The young actress also wore a silicone mask and wig, which served a dual purpose, not only hiding her real identity but also helping her resemble another actress who appears later in the film.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.8314058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4067 >>4159 >>4209 >>4293 >>4548 >>4604 >>4649

Freedom of Speech ‘No Longer Exists’ in Australia and the UK: Katie Hopkins


Stringent government control and oppressive social media platforms are forcing Australians to self-censor themselves, according to controversial media personality Katie Hopkins.


Ms Hopkins, who is known for her strident support of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, says social media giants like Twitter and Facebook often punish those whose views fall out of the mainstream.


She told Sky News freedom of speech, which was once the bedrock of democracy, “no longer exists” in many western nations.


“Frankly, no one would defend freedom of speech to their death because we (Australia and the UK) don’t have it anymore,” she said.


“Good Australians that I know and I love, they self-censor everywhere they go because they can no longer speak about how they think or how they feel.


“It’s the mechanism of control.”

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.8314066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4072 >>4076 >>4209

Internet – Doorway to Cyber Warfare


The new world of cyber warfare is upon us. Today, enemies send out malware through the internet. They send instructions to external computers, often in email attachments. This is their way to steal passwords, email correspondence, and documents, mostly unnoticed; this is how they gain access to the computers of generals and ministers to record conversations; this is how hackers manipulate elections or paralyze government authorities and power stations. These are attacks meant to damage what keeps countries together at their very core: their economy, their internal security, everyday life.


This conflict has intensified steadily over the last decade. Today, it looks as though it might be steering towards escalation. Espionage, sabotage, and destabilization are all happening every day. The question is what comes next. How long will it take until someone reprograms drones or sabotages a nuclear program?

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.8314073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4090 >>4209

Harvard study on why denial Is worse than panic during a pandemic


Early panic makes for clearer thinking and action in the long term.


For those of us that prepared during the initial Wuhan outbreak we are better equipped mentally than those who used denial as their immediate action.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.8314083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4325

Wife of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is publicly hitting back at President Trump


The wife of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is publicly hitting back at President Trump for his series of attacks on her husband – saying it was a tactic to try to tarnish the Russia probe.


Trump has repeatedly inveighed against Andrew and Jill McCabe, though in the case of Jill McCabe he didn't do so by name. As a top FBI official, McCabe worked with former director James Comey and had overseen the bureau's Hillary Clinton email probe and Russia investigation. He also helped engineer the appointment of a special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation.


'He attacks people to make his misdeeds look like they were okay,' Jill McCabe told the Atlantic in a deep look at what it terms Trump's 'War on American Institutions.' 'If Andrew was corrupt, then the investigation was corrupt and the investigation was wrong. So they needed to do everything they could to prove Andrew McCabe was corrupt and a liar,' she told the magazine.


rump first went after McCabe in 2016 after report his wife's congressional campaign got major support from Virginia Democratic Party and Terry McAuliffe. Her ill-fated campaign got $700,000 from the state party and from a McAuliffe super PAC – though according to the article McCabe took the necessary steps to insulate himself from the physician's campaign. He had informed FBI superiors about it in advance.


An inspector general would later issue a stinging report over McCabe's conduct in another matter, blasting him for a leak that 'effectively confirmed the existence' of an investigation of the Clinton Foundation, at a time when McCabe was under fire over handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. Before firing Comey, Trump repeatedly peppered him with questions about 'the McCabe thing,' according to Comey's testimony.


'Our days were numbered. It was gradual, but by May we knew it could end really terribly,' Jill McCabe said.


The article describes he 'humiliating' position Andrew McCabe was in when Trump in one-on-one meetings brought up his wife's campaign. ''Yeah, that must have been really tough. To lose. To be a loser,' McCabe recounted.


Trump repeatedly tweeted about the McCabes, and ended up firing the FBI official right before his scheduled retirement, denying full pension benefits.


'Problem is that the acting head of the FBI & the person in charge of the Hillary investigation, Andrew McCabe, got $700,000 from H for wife!' Trump wrote in July 2017.


Trump tweeted in December of that year: 'How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?''


Then he tweeted: 'FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!'

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.8314089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Bloomberg tells AIPAC he'll 'never impose conditions' on military aid to Israel


Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg on Monday pledged to support Israel’s security and constrain Iran’s nuclear program at the annual pro-Israel AIPAC summit in Washington, while also criticizing Sen. Bernie Sanders for boycotting the annual event, which has been a lightning rod in the 2020 Democratic primary.


Bloomberg was the only 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Conference in Washington, a move criticized by progressives and some Democrats not aligned with the group's views.


“I can’t tell you how glad I am to be at AIPAC,” he said. "Israel is small, we know, but resilient, and surrounded by adversaries. And if you caught the last couple of presidential debates you know that I can empathize."


MORE: Bloomberg criticizes Trump’s response to coronavirus as he launches campaign blitz ahead of Super Tuesday


Sanders declined to attend this year’s conference – he called it a platform for “leaders who express bigotry” – and referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “reactionary racist” in last week’s debate.


“He’s dead wrong,” Bloomberg said of Sanders.


If Not Now, a progressive group that describes itself as working to “end our community’s support for the occupation” of Palestine, pressured the 2020 Democratic field to skip the annual event. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar will address the conference by video.


At the summit, Bloomberg called for strong bipartisan support for Israel in U.S. politics. “Israel should never be a political football that American politicians kick around in an effort to score political points,” he said.


Bloomberg also condemned the rising number of anti-Semitic attacks in the U.S., and noted his own personal connection to the uptick: his sister attended the Pittsburgh synagogue targeted in a mass shooting in 2018 when she lived in the city.


He promised to “never impose” conditions on military aid to Israel, and praised the move of the American Embassy to Jerusalem without mentioning President Donald Trump's decision to make that happen.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:01 p.m. No.8314108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4451

Right-Wing Activist Tommy Robinson Charged With Assaulting Holiday Maker at UK Resort


The founder of the English Defence League was slapped with a nine-month sentence last year for contempt of court, after he filmed and commented on court proceedings involving a gang who were on trial for sexually grooming under-age girls. His appeal became a cause celebre for the alt-right.


Right-wing activist Tommy Robinson has been charged with common assault after an incident at a holiday resort just outside London.


Robinson, 37, was staying at Centerparcs, a swimming and outdoor activity centre popular for winter breaks when the incident happened on Sunday, 1 March.


Robinson was arrested and a man was treated for a facial injury.


The former leader of the English Defence League, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was arrested by police after the incident at the holiday chain’s Woburn Forest site, just north of London.


Reports on social media suggested Robinson became angry when he believed his eight-year-old daughter may have been touched inappropriately by a man.


Robinson, who released a video to give his version of events, has been bailed to appear at Luton Magistrates Court on 2 April.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:02 p.m. No.8314111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4116 >>4128 >>4130 >>4209

LEAKED AUDIO: Voicemail Details Mayor Pete’s Call to Joe Biden To Discuss “Our Plans” Hours Before Buttigieg Dropped Out Of Presidential Race


A surprised Raheem Barnett said he received a voicemail and text on his cell phone Sunday from Mayor Pete Buttigieg who apparently thought he was contacting former vice president Joe Biden’s phone.


Barnett, reached Sunday night, told True Pundit that Buttigieg left a message for Biden on his voicemail asking the vice president to call him back to discuss Buttigieg’s “plans” for his campaign — about five hours before Mayor Pete announced he was dropping out of the presidential race late Sunday. Buttigieg had apparently called the wrong number. Barnett released the voicemail on his Instagram account but later locked his account down to a private setting. Barnett said Mayor Pete followed up by texting him as well, again, thinking he was contacting Biden. Why was Buttigieg trying to reach Biden hours before he ended his Democratic bid for the presidency? (The full voicemail is below).


Barnett confirmed he did post the call on his Instagram after listening to the call from Buttigieg. Barnett would not comment on where he is employed. (The call is below)

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.8314119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

France’s Fingerprints Are All Over Terrorist Groups in Idlib Syria


France’s support for extremist groups in Syria, particularly near Idlib, dates back to the earliest days of the 2011 CIA-backed anti-government rebellion


Mideast Discourse — FRANCE 24’s Wassim Nasr, a specialist in jihadist networks, recently spoke via Skype with French recruiter Omar Omsen, the head of the jihadist group Furkat-al-Ghuraba, an Al Qaeda affiliate in Idlib.


There are numerous French terrorists in Idlib today, fighting to establish an Islamic state out of a small piece of secular Syria. Their dream is a Sunni utopia on the Turkish border, where they can enjoy the full support of the Turkish President Erdogan, who is the head of the AK party which is a Muslim Brotherhood party which has dominated Turkey for about 20 years.


Being on the Turkish border affords them the luxury of being fed and clothed by international aid agencies, such as the UN’s World Food Programme, and other humanitarian groups who distribute supplies to civilians, and their sons, brothers, husband, or father who are on the Al Qaeda payroll financed by Qatar, and some Arab Gulf monarchies. The humanitarian groups, including the UN, work as enablers, prolonging the suffering of the innocents by continuing the supplies. If the daily needs of the terrorist’s families had been cut off, the terrorists would be forced to flee to Turkey, and eventually Europe, for more of the free benefits offered by “Mother Merkel”, referring to German Chancellor Angel Merkel.


The French terrorists were recruited in France, and not online. The Sevran network, a terrorist recruitment network in Sevran, near Paris, operated from an informal prayer hall, as they targeted young men with a sophisticated mixture of psychological tactics, and according to some, tactics of hypnosis which were acquired by Al Qaeda during the decades in Afghanistan, which is well known for honed skills of hypnosis which existed before the CIA field agents; but, were used by the CIA in their jihad program to counter the Soviet presence there.


The French jihadist recruiter, Omar Omsen, faked his death in August 2015, only to reappear months later in a TV interview. It is unknown how many terrorists have faked their deaths to wipe their identity clean and re-invent themselves later in Europe, or the US.


The French government began their support of terrorists in Syria beginning in 2011 when the CIA began their first office in Adana, Turkey just over the border from Idlib. French Presidents from Sarkozy, to Hollande, and now Macron have all followed the US ordered ‘regime-change’ project in Syria. In 2017 US President Trump shut-down the CIA program of support to Al Qaeda in Syria. However, Al Qaeda is fully functioning in Idlib and with very obvious support at the highest levels, such as weapons, ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles, drones, and paychecks.



Syria’s Moderate Rebels


In September 2015, Syrian President Assad blamed Europe’s refugee crisis on West’s support for terrorists. Referring to the viral online photo of a Syrian child washed up on a Turkish beach, he said,


How can you feel sad at a child’s death in the sea and not feel for the thousands of children who have been killed by the terrorists in Syria? And, also for the elderly, for the woman and men? These European double standards are no longer acceptable.”


He added, “The West is supporting terrorists since the beginning of this crisis when it said it was ‘a peaceful uprising’ – as they called it. They said later, it is moderate opposition and now they say these (are) terrorists like al-Nusra and ISIS.” Jibhat al-Nusra is the Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria and is in control of Idlib.


In June 2015 the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same groups the defendant was charged with supporting. The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The French intelligence agents were working hand in glove with the US and UK in Syria.


A year into the Syrian rebellion, the US and its allies weren’t only supporting and arming an opposition they knew to be dominated by extreme sectarian groups; they were prepared to countenance the creation of some sort of “Islamic state”. The western habit of playing with jihadi groups, which then come back to bite them, goes back at least to the 1980’s war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, which fostered the original Al Qaeda under CIA tutelage.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.8314121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Turkey Is Busing Migrants to Greek Border, Rejects EU’s €1 Billion Offer to Knock It Off


It's military-political backing against Russia in Syria on al-Qaeda's behalf that Erdogan wants, not more monetary bribes

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.8314123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Russia Denounces Turkish Claims About “Millions” Of Refugees From Idlib Zone As Fake


On March 3, the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria released an official comment on the ongoing Turkish-led media campaign claimng that “millions” of refugees are fleeing Syria’s Idlib zone. The statement says that these claims as well as reports about the “humanitarian crisis” as a result of the escalation in Idlib are false.


According to the head of the Russian Center, Oleg Juravlev, the Russian side is regularly monitoring the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone using UAVs, local contacts, as well as open sources.


Juravlev provided the following numbers:


In 2011, the population within the boundaries of the Idlib de-escalation zone was 2.6 million people. Approximately 800,000 people left the area before the start of military hostilities. They moved to central Syria, Turkey and some European countries.


As of January 1, 2020, there were no more than 1.8 million people on the territory controlled by terrorists in the Idlib zone.


Up to 210,000 people were living in the area liberated by the Syrian Army in January-Feruary 2020. Additionally, up to 50,000 people were living in the area of the Syrian Army operation in southern Idlib, south of the M4 highway.


The Russian military emphasized that during this period, no more than 35,000 people left the area of hostilities and moved to Turkey. These people were mostly fighters of militant groups (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Turkistan Islamic Party, Horas al-Dion) and members of their families. Up to 50,000 people moved from the area of hostilities towards the Turkish-controlled Syrian region of Afrin, and noe more than 100,000 others moved towards the Syrian border with Turkey.


In total, no more than 70,000 people moved from the Idlib de-escalation zone to the area of Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch (Afrin). Currently, there are about 200,000 temporarily displaced persons near Turkish border. 85,000 of them are in the refugee camps “Hazano”, “Sarmada”, “Sheikh Hassan”, “Baskaria”, “Darkush”, ” Salkin. ”


The Russian side added that Turkey’s operations Olive Branch and Peace Spring led to the displacement of a large number of people. Operation Olive Branch forced up to 250,000 people (mostly Kurds) to leave their homes and flee the area, while Operation Peace Spring displaced 135,000 people.


The Center warned that the Turkish policy of settlement of ethnic Turkomans on the territories captured from the Kurds has already led to a radical change in the ethnic composition of the population in these areas.


The Russian military once again emphasized that claims that Syrian anti-terrorist efforts in the Idlib zone in January-February 2020 led to a “humanitarian crisis” are biased and completely untrue.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.8314133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Pompeo Confirms US-Taliban Deal Has Secret Elements


Pompeo says secret, classified terms are 'fully transparent'


The US-Taliban peace deal in Afghanistan is a hopeful opportunity to end the US occupation of Afghanistan after 19 years. Persistent concerns, however, are that secret annexes to the deal could exist that would make the deal less palatable for the Taliban rank-and-file.


While Pentagon officials claimed to have no information on that, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed on Sunday that there are indeed two “classified” secret annexes to the deal, and that the American public won’t get to know what those are.


Pompeo didn’t give any indication what those annexes are, but sought to defend them in general terms, saying they were “fully transparent” secrets that Congress would get a chance to see. He contrasted that to secret annexes to the Iran nuclear deal, which he claimed the Americans in general never got to see.


The major concern is that one of the annexes would allow the US to keep ground troops in Afghanistan, a non-starter for most Taliban and which, if confirmed would probably spark more fighting. It’s possible the annexes don’t include that, and are something else. The fact that they are secret, and classified, however, suggests that both the US and Taliban leadership very much prefer the public not know about them.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.8314138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209

Iran: Regime Change by Coronavirus?


The consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran will exacerbate the Islamic Republic’s ongoing economic crisis and bring it even closer to political collapse than ever before, the outcome of which is unwittingly being facilitated by the government’s mismanaged response to this disease as a result of the narrative corner that it’s backed itself into for “politically correct” reasons, which worryingly raises the question of whether or not regime change might be just around the corner if this dire situation isn’t soon brought under control.


Iran’s Unprecedented Isolation


Iran is unprecedentedly isolated after all of its neighbors temporarily closed their borders with the Islamic Republic as a result of its COVID-19 outbreak, which is exacerbating the country’s ongoing economic crisis and bringing it even closer to political collapse than ever before. It doesn’t inspire any confidence either that several officials have contracted the disease, including the Deputy Health Minister who earlier assured everyone that the virus was under control. One of its former ambassadors, who was also an influential cleric, even died from it too, and parliament is now suspended for the rest of the week out of an abundance of caution. The very fact that so many government representatives have caught the contagion gave rise to speculation that it’s really a bioweapon that was secretly unleashed against the Islamic Republic in order to carry out regime change there, though while that outcome is certainly possible, it’s less clear whether this would be the result of an “American-Zionist conspiracy” or simply due to the government’s mismanaged response to this disease.


The COVID-19 Crisis In The Islamic Republic


It’s unknown at this time how so many officials got infected, but it wouldn’t be inconceivable that they or those close to them (whether family members or co-workers for example) might have caught it from people who had previously been in the People’s Republic, be they Chinese, Iranian, or third-country nationals (such as businessmen or students). Qoms is, after all, a major pilgrimage site, so it could have been the case that infected Iranians went there to pray for their and their compatriots’ health but inadvertently spread the disease to everyone around them prior to showing any symptoms that would have otherwise convinced them to self-quarantine. However the outbreak ended up transpiring, there’s no question that it’s become extremely severe to the point where it’s one of the worst in the world right now, so much so that Russia became the first country to temporarily restrict the entry of all Iranians except for those with diplomatic, business, humanitarian, and transit visas just as it earlier did in regards to the Chinese. Furthermore, President Putin pledged aid to the Islamic Republic in order to help it contain this crisis, confirming without a doubt that the situation there is very serious.


Backed Into A Narrative Corner


Surprisingly, however, the Iranian government doesn’t officially regard this as a crisis, nor can it without risking a self-inflicted blow to its “political legitimacy”. The Ayatollah earlier blamed “negative propaganda” about the virus for the country’s lowest turnout since the 1979 Islamic Revolution during last month’s parliamentary elections, so acknowledging that there is indeed a problem would confirm that this “negative propaganda” was indeed correct all along. Even in the event that the argument is put forth that the situation didn’t become that dire until recently (thus negating the claim that the “negative propaganda” was accurate at the time), the question then arises of whether or not the government was scapegoating supposed fearmongering about the virus in order to cover up for voters boycotting the polls due to their disagreements with many “reformist” (“moderate”) candidates’ controversial disqualifications in the run-up to the election. Either way, Iran has backed itself into a narrative corner for “politically correct” reasons and is thus unable to adequately confront this contagion without harming its leadership’s interests.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.8314147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are Jews Terrorized by Own Leadership?


Laurent Guyenot "… a tiny Jewish elite,… has hijacked the idea of God and turned it to their own aggrandizement … (and) terrorized its own people to enforce their sense of separateness … garnering wealth and power in the process."


The real question is, are Jews terrorized, brainwashed or willing collaborators?


Small Minority of Jews Are the Real 'Jewish Question' -


For most of my life I did not understand the expression "the Jewish question." Nobody ever talked about "the Catholic question" or "the Presbyterian question" or "the Mormon question" or "the Buddhist question" or "the Muslim question." Yet there have been extensive debates, beginning in the 19th century, of "the Jewish question."


I always assumed the people who used this expression were so prejudiced against Jews they speciously considered them a problem that needed solving. Hitler's "final solution to the Jewish question," I was taught, represented a culmination of such baseless, mindless prejudice and hatred.


But after learning more about history–and especially after reading and re-reading Laurent Guyénot's new book From Yahweh to Zion–I have come to realize that there are many legitimate "Jewish questions," not just one. Some important questions include: Is Judaism/Jewishness a religion or an ethnicity?


What is the Jews' relationship to God, and to Jesus and the prophets? What accounts for the Jews' ability to maintain tribal cohesion over more than 2500 years? Why have Jewish communities so often been at odds with their non-Jewish neighbors? Why have Jews been over-represented–in many non-Jewish societies throughout history–in positions of wealth and power?


Why does this over-representation seem to be increasing today? Why is this issue off-limits for discussion in polite company (including the mainstream media and the academy)? Is Jewish tribal cohesion an important factor in the Deep State? And what role does the creation and endless expansion of Israel play in all of this?


These are important questions for anyone who wants to understand world history and current events. Yet as John Cobb, one of the world's leading Christian theologians, says in his blurb for From Yahweh to Zion: "…we know that there is rather tight censorship with respect to what may be said about these matters without ad hominem response. The fact of Gentile crimes against Jews throughout history is used to justify this censorship, much, but not all, of which is self-imposed. In my view, through their role in this censorship, Jews are paving the way for the rise of anti-Jewish feeling and perhaps much worse."


From Yahweh to Zion was conceived in the ominous shadow of such censorship. The book is a critical examination of "Jewish questions" that doesn't shy away from the most controversial topics–notably such Deep State issues as alleged Zionist orchestration of 20th century world wars, the JFK assassination, and 9/11. (Dr. Guyenot agrees with Michael Collins Piper's thesis that Israel was a prime player in the Kennedy assassinations.)


There was no way such a book could ever be issued by a major publisher. It will almost certainly be denounced by Bnai Brith, the ADL, Political Research Associates, and/or other contemporary censors and heresy-hunting inquisitors.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:09 p.m. No.8314148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209 >>4548 >>4604 >>4649

U.S. Announces $108 Million In Humanitarian Aid For Syrian People


While on a diplomatic visit to the Turkish-Syrian border Tuesday, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Kelly Craft announced the U.S. will give the Syrian people $108 million in humanitarian aid.


The aid will be delivered through the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), International Organization for Migration (IOM), UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), World Food Program (WFP), non-governmental organizations, and others, according to a press statement by State Department Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus.


In her statement, Ortagus said the Assad regime, Russian, and Iranian forces have, since December, 2019, ‘forced nearly 950,000 people in northwest Syria – more than 80 percent of whom are women and children – to flee for their lives’ and she highlighted that it’s the largest ‘forced displacement’ since the start of the nearly nine year crisis in Syria.


“Today’s announcement is part of our ongoing efforts to provide life-saving food, shelter, winter clothing and other supplies, medical care, and safe drinking water to assist millions of Syrians in need, including those fleeing the devastating violence in northwest Syria,” Ortagus said.


On Tuesday, the United Nations convened to warn the Syrian people that they would experience “unprecedented levels of suffering and pain.” Moreover, the international body singled out Russia for committing war crimes in Syria.


The UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria’s report released Monday detailed the dire humanitarian crisis and reiterated the need to deliver aid to the Syrian people as any hope for peace and security is lacking.


“The immediate priority must be for all civilians to have access to the food, water and medical assistance they urgently require. Facilitating access for monitors and protection actors is also key to safeguard the rights of civilians.” said Commissioner Karen Koning AbuZayd.

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.8314153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4161 >>4165 >>4172 >>4191 >>4208 >>4209

Brit Hume Accidentally Tweets Out His Computer Search History Showing He Has an Interest in “Sexy Vixen Vinyl”


This was awkward.


Fox News Never Trumper Brit Hume forgot to crop out his search tabs when he tweeted out a screenshot of election betting odds.


Brit Hume tweeted: Betting odds as of 8:30 Sunday night showing serious signs of a Biden bounce from South Carolina win.


But he didn’t realize his search tabs were included in the screenshot showing he has an interest in “Sexy Vixen Vinyl.”

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:12 p.m. No.8314160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4164 >>4209

Coder charged in massive CIA leak portrayed as vindictive


NEW YORK (AP) — A software engineer on trial in the largest leak of classified information in CIA history was “prepared to do anything” to betray the agency, federal prosecutors said Monday as a defense attorney argued the man had been scapegoated for a breach that exposed secret cyberweapons and spying techniques.


A Manhattan jury heard conflicting portrayals of Joshua Schulte, a former CIA coder accused of sending the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks a large portion of the agency’s computer hacking arsenal — tools the agency had used to conduct espionage operations overseas.


Schulte left a trail of evidence despite learned attempts to erase his digital fingerprints, Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Laroche said in closing arguments. Schulte became disgruntled at the CIA, he said, and took meticulous steps to plan — and cover up — the 2016 theft.


“He was the only one who had the motive, the means and the opportunity to steal the information,” Laroche said. “He was prepared to do anything to get back at the CIA.”


Defense attorney Sabrina Shroff called Schulte a patriot who was wrongly accused by an agency under intense pressure to solve the embarrassing leak. The four-week trial raised more questions than it answered and exposed alarming security lapses within the agency, she said.


“The government cannot tell you which of the many people with access to this data” stole the classified archive, she said. “It wasn’t Mr. Schulte who did this.”


Jurors are expected to begin deliberating Tuesday. Schulte faces counts of illegal gathering of national defense information, unauthorized computer access, theft of government property and making false statements, among other charges.


Schulte, 31, worked for a CIA group in Langley, Virginia, that designs computer code to spy on foreign adversaries. The so-called Vault 7 leak revealed how the CIA would hack Apple and Android cellphones in overseas spying operations.


Prosecutors have said the leak was devastating to national security, as it exposed CIA operatives, brought intelligence gathering to a halt and left allies wondering whether the U.S. could be trusted with sensitive information.


“The defendant was prepared to burn down the United States government,” Laroche said. “He is an angry and vindictive man.”

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:25 p.m. No.8314209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4214 >>4228 >>4484

>>8313995 23 Iran MPs & Head Of Emergency Medical Services Confirmed For Coronavirus (23 symbolism)

>>8313997 Exclusion zone & aviation ALERT triggered as Indonesia’s most active volcano violently erupts

>>8314004 Russia ‘strongly rejects’ UN Commission allegations of war crimes in Syria, says inquiry was ‘one-sided’

>>8314011 VIDEO Erdogan framed Turkish military offensive as religious war

>>8314019 Germany: AfD leader injured in arson attack

>>8314022 GOP Rep. Devin Nunes hits Washington Post with $250M lawsuit for publishing 'falsehoods' about him

>>8314025 Just 3 Out Of 260 Harvard Faculty Members Plan To Vote Trump: Survey

>>8314031 Woman ‘Rushed’ Into Gender Reassignment as a Teen Suing NHS

>>8314040 GERMANY: Film Depicts Adult Man In A Relationship With A 10-Year-Old Robot. People Walk Out Of Screenings.

>>8314058 Freedom of Speech ‘No Longer Exists’ in Australia and the UK: Katie Hopkins

>>8314066 Internet – Doorway to Cyber Warfare

>>8314073 Harvard study on why denial Is worse than panic during a pandemic

>>8314083 Wife of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe is publicly hitting back at President Trump

>>8314089 Bloomberg tells AIPAC he'll 'never impose conditions' on military aid to Israel

>>8314108 Right-Wing Activist Tommy Robinson Charged With Assaulting Holiday Maker at UK Resort

>>8314111 LEAKED AUDIO: Voicemail Details Mayor Pete’s Call to Joe Biden To Discuss “Our Plans” Hours Before Buttigieg Dropped Out Of Presidential Race

>>8314119 France’s Fingerprints Are All Over Terrorist Groups in Idlib Syria

>>8314121 Turkey Is Busing Migrants to Greek Border, Rejects EU’s €1 Billion Offer to Knock It Off

>>8314123 Russia Denounces Turkish Claims About “Millions” Of Refugees From Idlib Zone As Fake

>>8314133 Pompeo Confirms US-Taliban Deal Has Secret Elements

>>8314138 Iran: Regime Change by Coronavirus?

>>8314148 U.S. Announces $108 Million In Humanitarian Aid For Syrian People

>>8314153 Brit Hume Accidentally Tweets Out His Computer Search History Showing He Has an Interest in “Sexy Vixen Vinyl”

>>8314160 Coder charged in massive CIA leak portrayed as vindictive




All of the above were retrieved from prime time day breads, just 2 breads he baked 6 straight ignored handoff offers, same baker everyday hiding notable shit. NONE of this was notable according to this clown baker.


Night shift we have a better kitchen crew but this fucker needs to be outed BO do your fucking job.


We dig meme and pray but we also must FIGHT and not be suckered into silence by the shills who run cover for clown bakers.


God Bless (You)!

Anonymous ID: 81ffac March 3, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.8314282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Syria Deception


Understanding the geopolitical and psychological war against Syria


What is the Syria war about?


Contrary to the depiction in Western media, the Syria war is not a civil war. This is because the initiators, financiers and a large part of the anti-government fighters come from abroad.


Nor is the Syria war a religious war, for Syria was and still is one of the most secular countries in the region, and the Syrian army – like its direct opponents – is itself mainly composed of Sunnis.


But the Syria war is also not a pipeline war, as some critics suspected, because the allegedly competing gas pipeline projects never existed to begin with, as even the Syrian president confirmed.


Instead, the Syria war is a war of conquest and regime change, which developed into a geopolitical proxy war between NATO states on one side – especially the US, Great Britain and France – and Russia, Iran and China on the other side.


In fact, already since the 1940s the US has repeatedly attempted to install a pro-Western government in Syria, such as in 1949, 1956, 1957, after 1980 and after 2003, but without success so far. This makes Syria – since the fall of Libya – the last Mediterranean country independent of NATO.


Thus, in the course of the "Arab Spring" of 2011, NATO and its allies, especially Israel and the Gulf States, decided to try again. To this end, politically and economically motivated protests in Syria were used and were quickly escalated into an armed conflict.


NATO’s original strategy of 2011 was based on the Afghanistan war of the 1980s and aimed at conquering Syria mainly through positively portrayed Islamist militias (so-called "rebels"). This did not succeed, however, because the militias lacked an air force and anti-aircraft missiles.


Hence from 2013 onwards, various poison gas attacks were staged in order to be able to deploy the NATO air force as part of a "humanitarian intervention" similar to the earlier wars against Libya and Yugoslavia. But this did not succeed either, mainly because Russia and China blocked a UN mandate.


As of 2014, therefore, additional but negatively portrayed Islamist militias ("terrorists") were covertly established in Syria and Iraq via NATO partners Turkey and Jordan, secretly supplied with weapons and vehicles and indirectly financed by oil exports via the Turkish Ceyhan terminal.