Anonymous ID: 53588c March 4, 2020, 4:31 a.m. No.8315192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5206 >>5212 >>5216 >>5326


What if Q/Potus/Milint knew this virus was on the way.

It's a very real weapon, but a manufactured war by the media and their controllers.

Their intent?

It appears forcing quarantine, economic stress/collapse, and the most insidious: an interruption of cultural connectivity.

Are we easier or harder to dominate, control and enslave if we're working hand in hand with each other in the normie realm?

That's the story of the West.

Fellowship, community, but most importantly Family.

The existentialist threat to global control.

It's the very source of life, the nurturing of potential (child) to revivify the otherwise stagnant order of the past (ancestors).

This is an attack on you and me, the connections we hold.


So if you can agree with that, including that milint/potus/q had foresight on such an attack,

who would they turn to to weather the storm?

Who could carry forward western culture when it's very deliberately under attack?

Who would be immune to the virus?

Who could be a building block upon which a new world can be born?

A beacon of light in the darkness?

Why of course: An underwater basket weaving forum full of 300 lb basement dwellers.

Anywho, once a national emergency is declared b/c of this virus, and everyone is quarantined,

martial law will come.

POTUS, Milint, and Q will begin wrapping up the bad actors, draining the swamp, which includes media, social media, news…

All the sources for information for the normies and simps.

Who will they turn to?

Who has been 'right' all along?

Who has a culture that's fully distributed, inclusive (as long as you lurk), and in the know?


Remember, Q posted the durham boat picture and asked "who are those with GW?"

They were future leaders of the republic.