Anonymous ID: 6366d8 March 4, 2020, 4:24 a.m. No.8315169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5171 >>5236


>Homeopathic remedies use the energetic signature

Shouldn't Homeopathy give the patient a shit treatment, because the water at some point came into contact with shit?


>proven ways to heal

To be serious I tried that 10 years ago when I was very very very sick.

School (Rockefeller) medicine didn't help.

Homeopathy also didn't work (and I think it's nonsense).

What helped was an experimental medicine, that still (10 years later) has not been approved and the active substance is even approved for food and is not dangerous at all.

That actually rescued my life, thank God.

Anonymous ID: 6366d8 March 4, 2020, 4:36 a.m. No.8315206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5235


Maybe it has to get worse.

How do you awake the masses?

When they got fucked over so hard that they are angry as fuck and no mass media nonsense will be able to change their focus anymore?

When can you publicly arrest high level people?

When the masses are very very angry?

When the US got attacked in some way or another (not using an army)?

When will mass media "Orange man is Hitler" not work anymore?

When can you arrest banksters?


Anonymous ID: 6366d8 March 4, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.8315225   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I find it odd that Q has not answered unsolicited questions about CoronaV

There are drops that may match (not just the corona ones).

Maybe the details are classified?

What did POTUS say?

It's a hoax?

Isn't that enough?

Anonymous ID: 6366d8 March 4, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.8315252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5320


>experimental Rockefeller poisons cured your ailments

No, it wasn't Rockefeller poisons.

It was actually a Professor that figured it out (one of the very few that think for themselves) and wanted to get the medicine approved all by himself, because he was surely red pilled as fuck back then already.


The disease is very lucrative, so there is no reason to get it approved. In fact they even did a study that is obviously manipulated so that the "right" results could be published. They tested it against prednisolone, and acted as if that active substance would modulate the immune system, which it doesn't. It stops the causes of inflammations and doesn't cover up the symptoms (the latter is typical for Rockefeller fake-cine).


I already said it hasn't been approved yet still (he sold that patent back then to Rockefeller Big Pharma) and the active substance is a fat that is part of soy and there are literally no side effects.

Anonymous ID: 6366d8 March 4, 2020, 5:24 a.m. No.8315355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5400


It stops the cause of inflammations, it doesn't fully cure as in take it once and be done with it, but it stops everything to a halt and the dosage can be lowered with time.


The Rockefeller "medicine" says the cause is unknown and that the immune system would somehow "just" all of a sudden attack itself.


That actual medicine shows that the mucosa is actually damaged, it lets some bacteria through, which in turn trigger the immune system.

The fat restores that barrier so no bacteria can pass anymore, but it doesn't stick. It gets way better, but it's not fully cured, you need to take that fat all time, which is not a problem because no side effects.


And I'm sure this damage is somehow caused by vaccines and/or certain foods, because the patients have gotten younger and younger over the last xx years and the damage has gotten more severe even.


I talked with a father that has a 2 year old with the same shit, nothing worked, he found out about this medicine and it worked. Of course the health "insurance" doesn't want to pay for it, but they would pay for colon removal and/or chemo "therapy" (poison), which both cause more and more problems. It's really clown world.