Anonymous ID: c3da90 March 4, 2020, 1:46 a.m. No.8314808   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bob, the scientist, pursues truth at any cost. His long distance acquaintance, Alice, seems to have the answers he seeks. Bob eagerly consumes Alice’s answers as best as she can explain.


Bob gets to the point in his evidence that seem to point to a Plan. When Bob asks Alice about God, she eagerly tells the truth that God made the Plan. Most scientists ignore God in their assumptions. Bob decided to take the answers Alice gave him with a grain of salt. Herein lies the paradox.


Within the theories of the reasoned scientific minds, lives the pursuit of evidence. So what evidence is adequate proof to a scientist? Proofs of the question he has in his mind.


Reasonably, Bob decides to get Carole involved in his quest. Carole is very busy because the longer time goes on, the more she is inundated with helping all the “Bobs”. She has an assistant, Faythe. Faythe gives the information to Bob.


Bob looks at the information and has so many questions. He tells Fatythe that he needs to talk to Carole. Carole has given Faythe instructions. “Tell all of the Bobs to simply follow the rules.” After repeated attempts to contact Carole directly, Bob gives up hope.


Bob angrily tells Chuck his dilemma. Chuck had a similar experience with Carole and Faythe. Chuck says Bob should have come to him first and spared himself the angst. Bob considered the advice. He decided that the rules were simple enough.


Bob tried to follow the rules from Faythe. But they were so plain he thought something was missing. Bob went off on wild tangents. Chuck thought it was funny. Bob got mad again; now he reasoned the rules were too difficult.


Bob gave up. He really thought that Carole was avoiding him, and Faythe laid it all back in his lap. He reasoned his theory would save the world. He continued trying everything; except the simple rules Carole and Faythe said were the keystone to his theory.


While working in the lab one day, there was an accident. Bob was dead. It didn’t stop there. The accident consumed the building, then the campus, the city and state, and drifted into other parts of the world.


The world was very upset with Bob. The only standing was a plaque right at the spot Bob died. After the ceremony, the people clapped. They stopped and went home.


Bob, somehow survived but lived a humble life away from theories. He lived according to the rules. He walked over and read the plaque. “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."