Anonymous ID: fb484e March 4, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.8314736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4748 >>5463

There is really only one question that needs to be asked of slimy joe and that is: "Who is going to be running the government, foreign policy, economic policy, health policy or America if biden was actually elected? It certainly wont be biden, it is doubtful if he could run a lemonade stand so exactly who are demonrats electing to run things? slimy joe could only be a very poor front man that they roll out of the nursing home a couple times a year and prop him up in front of a teleprompter with full earpiece instructions for him to follow; so who is it going to be? Will obomber be giving the soros orders directly to biden or to his handlers? Will shrillary be re-named Secretary of State so the theft of American tax dollars can continue unabated?


So…just one question slimy joe: "Who will be running the country if you scam the election and were actually to become the last president during the last time the country is called the United States of America?"

Anonymous ID: fb484e March 4, 2020, 1:16 a.m. No.8314759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4768 >>4790 >>4802 >>4845 >>4921 >>4978 >>5094 >>5153 >>5328 >>5467

So…just another reminder regarding the greatest act of treason in American history!



A demonrat House, demonrat Senate and demonrat president (not deserving of a capital p) committed outright treason, violated the American Constitution, allowing the setting up of a foreign pond-scum central bank and giving control over the American currency - a control given by the Founding Fathers to ONLY the elected government - to those same foreign scumbags and turning 100's of millions of Americans into debt slaves to globalist pigs who feel it is their right to control all the money in the world and if people in any country want to use their own currency…they can borrow off the scum at interest.


Americans must never forget the last 107 years of slavery of ALL Americans orchestrated and implemented by the treasonous demonrat party!


The federal reserve is illegal, all debt involving the federal reserve are essentially "proceeds of a crime" and need not be submitted by anyone in this Constitutional Republic to the globalist scum who claim <<<they>>own the American currency. NO, they own only the federal reserve toilet paper and they brand their toilet paper "federal reserve note" to distinguish it from real American currency which is identified as "United States Note."


We must never forget what has been done to generations of American citizens. They were made debt-slaves by the scum that are the demonrat party leadership, the main political puppets of the globalist scum who believe the world must bow to <<<them>>and <<<their>>> orders.


ALL AMERICANS must keep this uppermost in mind - demonrats have always been slave owners. demonrats owned ALL slaves, demonrats created the kkk, demonrats voted against ending slavery, demonrats voted against allowing their slaves to vote, the demonrats voted against giving female slaves the right to vote, or be equal.


Now the demonrats want to destroy America the way they have been destroying the African-America community through the use of <<<their>>planned parenthood 'plan' of murdering as many African-American babies as possible and planned parenthood is now the number one cause of death in the African-American community…and that's what the demonrats want for American citizens: debt, death and destruction. The 'D' party must cease to exist.


Anyone in America, ABSOLUTELY ANYONE who thinks the demonrat slave-owners should be voted for is NOT American!








P.S. Corey Feldman and Corey Haim were raped repeatedly while they were child actors and the sub-human stephen king told Corey in a tweet to "chill." Truly, these people are sick and stephen king just outed himself as being at least a defender of if not actually a part of the pedowood swamp.




Anonymous ID: fb484e March 4, 2020, 1:52 a.m. No.8314819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4825


Nothing can be lasting unless the Root is pulled out along with the Stem. Treasonous government, treasonous 'bills' treasonous "conferences" treasonous - and since the predicate is unconstitutional - treasonous 'law."


Here's the 'take' of the Constitution:


The Constitution of the United States of America

Section 8

1: The CONGRESS SHALL have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;


2: To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;


***5: To COIN MONEY, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;


***6: To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;


The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional and thus illegal as are all Congressional officers who do not and have not stood in Congress and denounced Wilson's Treason in 1913.


As well, all Congressional officers who have abrogated their Constitutionally demanded function of Coining money and regulating the value of that money as required in Article 5; is also treason and the penalty for the treason of both above groups is execution.


While illegally surrendering their responsibilities they then failed to enforce Article 6 and did not punish those in government who allowed the counterfeiting of currency nor those doing the counterfeiting as part of the treason.


Must be noted that nowhere in the Constitution is their an article allowing the elected government to abrogate their Constitutionally ordered responsibilities by granting elected government rights, privileges, benefits and responsibilities to unelected, domestic and foreign businessmen and organizations. Such would be treason and IS treason.


All interest since Woodrow Wilson's (and that of the demonrat Legislative Branch of the time) treason in 1913 is illegal. Treason is a crime and all interest levied and received since 1913 is thus "Proceeds of a Crime" and all banks who have received such procedds of a crime must be nationalized immediately and all officers, shareholders - foreign and domestic, be stripped of all possessions and arrested. The Federal Reserve, acting as middleman as well as recipient of the proceeds of crime for over a century must be immediately Nationalized and the officers and shareholders must similarly be arrested for their crimes and be stripped of their possessions. Any and all funds possessed by these criminals must be surrendered or seized if necessary and returned to the people both to government coffers and as tangibles to each and every American alive from whom the money was stolen with the funds owed to those deceased going to the family - if possible - and the rest to the Treasury for uses regarding the requirements of the People.


Any monies sent abroad since 1913 MUST be seized and returned to the People's Government of America - NOT banks or corporations. All criminal recipients of the proceeds of this most heinous crime must be tracked down and seized and brought to America to face punishment for their crimes against America and their property and possessions seized, sold if possible and all monies returned to the people of America.


All debt to these banks and all government debt must be immediately eliminated. Bonds held by foreign governments will be automatically transferred to the currency of the new owners of the USD…the American People.

Anonymous ID: fb484e March 4, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.8314825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4875 >>5199


an extended Part 2"

The currency must be altered to the Lincoln/Kennedy design stating it is a United States Note and NOT a Federal Reserve Note and a different color seal. Any - now - counterfeit currency marked "Federal Reserve Note" must be pulled from circulation and destroyed and a granting of a 6-month only time frame for all such treasonous currency to be exchanged for the new United States Note at any bank in any amount without question; after which such currency will be considered useless, without any value even as a collective, and even if millions of Federal Reserve Notes are "found in a mattress" after the 6 months have expired they will not be exchanged for the new Legal Tender of the United States and will be considered without value. Collectors may of course keep any they wish as curiosities and reminders of the most treasonous period in American History…1913-2020.


People say they want justice. The above treason was and is the very ROOT of America's (and Canada's but that's another story) downfall over the last 100 years. It must end and the only way the problems of today can be dealt with is to deal with the ROOT CAUSE!


The treason allowing the creation of a criminal organization that has stolen the birthright of all America citizens must be denounced and the results of that treason MUST be addressed and amended. Not doing so; even while doing hundreds of other things to bring America back from the brink; will result in America ending up right back at the brink after enough time has passed for the globalist scum who believe it is their right to control the people of the world and keep the people as debt slaves and demand that all the money in the world belongs to them and if Americans want to make use of THEIR OWN CURRENCY they can get it off those globalist pigs…at interest; regain control, adapting their long-term strategy based on the adage of the old golden rule: "He who has the gold…makes the rules."


The fed and those who have grown fat due the treason and corruption that has allowed the theft of America MUST be eliminated completely.


We can never win if the most important battle isn't won.


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” – Thomas Jefferson


If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)


… The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating. -Thomas Jefferson


If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations. -Andrew Jackson


"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."

President James Madison